
Started by Garrick, February 12, 2008, 04:43:11 AM

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I would like to hold the first class of RP 101 Friday afternoon at about 6 p.m. EST. It will be held at Occlo University and all are welcome to attend.  If there are any questions before then please send me a message here or contact me in game.


I shall be there with bells on!


that usa est?
sorry dumb ?

Admin Acacia

Yes, USA... 5 hours earlier from England... and well, figure it out from there.

Never be less than your dreams.


I'm wondering if that's Friday today?
"Remember folks - roleplay is for fun, do not take it seriously. If one roleplays being an evil warrior, it doesn't mean they are evil as a person." ~Wuffy


yes it is Wuffy, today 2/15


I missed this class, and would love to hit one up. If there is another one, could you announce it a few times in game? I really need it.

-the one who always dies, Acrene


I am trying to plan a class for Friday 3/14/08 at 7 p.m. EST.  Still working on some things for it so time and date may change