Dissapearing mounts!!

Started by Garrick, February 21, 2008, 11:36:27 PM

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As most of you know there is a rash dissapearance of mounts. (horses, warhorses, etc...) It was brought to my attention by some of the local animal tamers that their shipment's are not coming in to restock their stables.  Also some farmers and woodsman have reported to me that they have seen dark clad figures roaming the forests and roads near towns just before the dissapearances started. So far I have received reports on missing caravans of animals from Yew, and the combined orders from Brit and Vesper.  If anyone finds any clues or information please seek me out at Occlo or Magincia. I already had clues dropped off to me by Silverglade and Willow.  I am working on figuring out what these clues mean and will have more news in a few days. Please help to find out what is happening to our beloved mounts before the problem spreads!


The latest reports have missing shippment's from Yew, Vesper/Brit, Minoc, and Skara Brae.  Some of you have come to me with strange finding's and even stranger pages of some odd book.  The pages appear to be from a spellbook of unknown origin and only a few of the runes are clear to me. The more I study these pages the more sense they make but the big picture is still unclear to me as of yet.  The only certainty I have is that there is some fell force behind all of this.  Remember that anything you find please report to me and I will use it, and any potential links it may provide, to solve this problem with each of you at my side.  I will keep you informed as information arrives.                    ~Garrick Sandor


It seems the activity related to the disapearing mounts has slowed to a standstill thanks to the efforts of those who searched out the culprits.  Unfortunately my own research into the strange pages found at the scenes have broght a horrible revelation.  I am calling a meeting at the university Saturday 3/1/08 at 12PM EST.  I will reveal all then


URGENT! Reports are coming in that the areas of the honored dead and area's of great decay are seeing some unusual activity.  Similar dark shapes have been noted in the area recently as the ones spotted before the mount dissapearances. Please check it out and report to me your findings.


i got me a orb of undead callin!