Help with skill

Started by yatici, June 01, 2008, 02:23:09 PM

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I need some help with my skill distribution any ideas would be helpful.
I was just thinking about getting rid of animal skill and add focus and meditation and stuff but I really am stuck now and I need to get rid of 30 points from the skills listed below. Any idea would be deeply appreciated.

Anatomy 120
Animal Lore 50
Animal Taming 120
Archery 120
Fencing 120
Healing 100
Ninjitsu 100
Parrying 120
Poisoning 100
Veterinary 60
Tactics 120
resisting spells 100

I have an Alchemist bowcrafter and a Blacksmith tinker char supporting this one.

Forest Rithik

Depends what you want to do. I can't really help you unless I have an idea as to what you want to do with this character.

Also if you remove your Animal Lore then take Animal Taming and Veterinary with it as there really is no point having one half of both of those other skills (Lore contributes to Animal Control, what is the point of having a high end critter if you don't have the lore to control it that much. Or in the case of Veterinary, Animal Lore is the complimentary skill for Vet. Kind of like how Anatomy supports Healing skill for players).

I would heavily advise against putting Focus on any character that isn't a pure Mage caster and who doesn't have access to things like Druidry or Necromancy or Mana Leech..etc

Out of respect, the main thing you need to do is decide what you want this character to do and then how you would want to do that (But given the large number of Melee/ Warrior style abilities in that template I would recommend removing Taming, Animal Lore and Veterinary and then moving those freed up levels in improving warrior abilities like taking up Chivalry for a massive damage output boost).

But if you want to focus on the pet aspect then you need to get rid of a number of the non-animal orientated skill. It is possible to run a viable hybrid my main character is fully capable of using pets (though not healing or ressing them :-P) but can handle spawn in melee.

But again, I suggest coming to a conclusion as to what you want that character to do, It seems a waste loosing 120 Taming (if that is unmodified skill levels)