A Farm..

Started by Wolvyn, July 04, 2008, 09:19:20 AM

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Not sure where to place this question..

I was talking with Link just a couple of minutes ago after i realized it was [c not [e for public chat channel.

I read up a few forums so far and have discovered that we can own a house.  My question is this.. Is it possible to forget about the house and just build a farm or yard with harvestable crops?

If it is.. I would like to grow some barley, hops, malt and little bit of sugar.. maybe a walnut tree and some potatoes.

Im new here so ill let this be my intro until i find an intro forums.. dont worry ill read everything here within a week or two at most.

When i came here i didnt even know of what races were available.  Wolven or wolvyn or wolfhart have been my names almost as long as my RL name has been mine.. So i guess you can tell that i know a little German and love the Canid family.. specially lupis.

been on a pc for 28 years.. gaming in various sorts since day one.  i have played or tested every mmo out there cept swg that i am aware of. {didnt like one char per server..im an altaholic }

I tend to ramble alot too so ill not do that right now and just hope someone knows if i can or cant have an actual crop farm.


You must own a house to have a yard.  You can buy dirt tiles to be placed in your yard by staff.  Up to 1/5 of your yard can be covered by dirt tiles.  You can also put dirt tiles on your house plot to grow crops.  Hope this helps.

On a side note: SWG is 2 chars per server. lol

Tal Lothian

Welcome to Sylvan. Hopefully you find our little home offers more than your average mmog. :)

Thane ir'Wyndan

There are also some public fields where one can plant crops, you just have to find them.  ;) 

Skara, Haven, Britain, Luna all have some public fields to be used.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Wolf I figure that 90 VS or roughly 180k attones should get us the buildings with spawnable farm animals ie chickens cows etc what we need to compliment the crops.  At the rate I am going Count on these being implemented in about 5 years lol.