NPCs' mumbling

Started by Rosareven, May 23, 2008, 11:39:32 AM

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Something I really like about hanging around the world is the NPCs' random speeches.

"If you get lost in the forest, call out for the ettins. They are very helpful. *lol*"

"*grins* You are just so cute." (appeared in Umbra too - the city of Necromancy)

"Oh gosh, another customer."

Thanks for making me chuckle everytime I trade  ;D

Thane ir'Wyndan

I remember way back when I first started play UO on OSi the npcs would wander around going:

"Oh the colors, the pretty pretty colors.."

Always made me wonder what the heck they were talking about.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Did you know it is possible to hold a resemblance to a conversation with an NPC? when they say something answer and take a few steps and they say something else. if you pace along the floors you can hold some odd conversations based on your creativity

Admin Acacia

They actually drive me batty, I tell them to shut up.    I know I'm beautiful, they don't have to tell me.

Never be less than your dreams.


  hehe,  we still get a giggle when the orks say  "squibble squibble"


I just traveled to the city of Demons - it made me chuckled when I saw the demon vendors greeted me warmly with "You should rest", "Safe travels!". They're so far friendlier than the lazy retailers in Britain.


My favorite so far was when I walked into a cobbler's the other day, and was greeted warmly with "Who's your daddy?" :)