Started by Admin Acacia, June 12, 2008, 06:11:42 PM

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Admin Acacia

I have some very important news for all the residents of Sylvan for our past and for our bright and shining future.

You all know that our chief Skygud of the Machines, Alder, has been doing the most fantastic job on the planet keeping our world turning for the past two years.   I don't think we could have been in much better hands than his. The world turns, lives change, and Alder has found it necessary to relinquish our wonderful world.

Do not fear, my young ones, Sylvan will continue to live on with a new, equally qualified host.  Marlenus, who has played on Sylvan as well as staffed here, and even briefly hosted the server, has once again stepped up offering his services and shard host.  Marlenus has a great machine, and has the skill needed to do a great job.

The switch over will take place by June 22.   More information will be posted here when we get closer to the switch.  It will not be a major issue for most of us, most likely just a change in shard IP addresses, and maybe changing the paths for the shard patches.  We are working behind the scenes to make the switch over as smoothly as we possibly can.

Be watching the forums for more information, which will be posted as soon as we have them.  Thank you for your support and we all look forward to many more years of Sylvan.

To Alder, there is no way to thank you enough for your contribution to Sylvan and her residents.

Never be less than your dreams.