Ha! Thane!!!!

Started by Abbadon, July 04, 2009, 09:43:58 AM

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Mwahahaha! The reinforcements came and we dispatched it without toooo much difficulty :P

We even killed it a second time! (on that note thane you need to turn that spawner off lol)

Thane ir'Wyndan

Doesn't count, you said you could do it yourself.  You wussed out!

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Well, still... that thing could out run a race horse (even a race horse using a T3 connection I bet lol) and hit for probly a little over 400 in a one second attack... I'd say three of us taking it down (twice!) is still rather impressive ;)

Paragon Anchient Jade Dragons are MEAN like you wouldn't believe.


Pfft I said I would tryyyyyy... After something like 150k worth of insurance, I admitted defeat.. At least solo anyways :P

And yes this thing can hit for over 463 hp in 1 hit....