New Addition

Started by Crimson, July 20, 2009, 05:51:45 AM

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My son is now a new addition to the shard. He is 15 and has some gaming experience in other online games but absolutely none in UO. I've been teaching him things here and there and answering his questions as he comes to me but I'm sure it will be a while till he gets the knack of things. I've directed him to come to the forums and read up on what information about the game we have here and I've also bookmarked UOStratics on his pc as well for more help. But he's not a big fan of reading unless he wants to know something specific, so he basically dived right into the game without reading a whole lot.

Please help him feel at home as I am positive you all will. His character name is Dawnstalker and he's been frequenting the beginner dungeon. I've only set him up with some simple armor right now until I can explain more about skills and macros. And I set up some of his important macros like [grab and [atone. He is already dreaming big and as he says he wants to be as uber as Karina and I one day. (that is if he doesn't get bored with the game before then hehe, he's already inherited that from Karina ::) ) Another thing is he isn't the greatest typist either so have patience if he takes a bit to respond if you are talking with him. (he doesn't own a cell phone yet so no practice with texting like a lot of other kids his age LOL)  :D Thanks everyone!
"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps."
Emo Philips.


Awesome!  :)  Hope to meet him in game some time!


Yes, we will teach him the basics of this shard e.g. if anything goes wrong blame it on Link etc. etc.



Glad to have more people around, I'll try and get my char built up fast so I can help if he needs it as well :P


*adds to kill list*