
Started by Caelan, July 23, 2009, 02:40:05 PM

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Last week, I went on a lil mission from East Texas to Manhattan, New York by car. I don't get out much, by the way, so this was a major ordeal. I just have to relate this to anyone and everyone who might read this...

Virginia is the most beautiful place on the face of this earth I have ever seen in my entire life!

When I grow up, I want to live there! I want a log cabin on a mountain that when you step outside you can touch the clouds!
There are no words to describe how beautiful this place is! I only saw a fraction of it, but I was very impressed!

I highly recommend hitting Skyline Drive and going through the mountains. Vacation in Virginia!

*still all tingly from the views*


Karina and I went on vacation for a week in Virginia near Williamsburg. I have to agree that from what little bit of Virginia I had seen that it is very nice. We also went to the shore for a day and the beach was beautiful. And some of the homes there were amazing. The only thing I have to say that I didn't like there were the drivers. Every day we were there, there was at least 1 accident on the main highway. And when there weren't any accidents the drivers drove like there was.

We would be doing 60mph and going along fine and then all of a sudden it was bumper to bumper traffic and once it cleared the area where the congestion was there was nothing around to even suggest an accident. The closest thing we could figure was that there were some rubber neckers looking at some camper parked in the grass on the side of the road or something similiar. Here I thought the worst drivers were people in my home state but driving in Virginia quickly changed my mind. Other than that our vacation there was great and the kids loved it so much they keep asking when we will go again. hehe

"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps."
Emo Philips.


I stayed on interstate 81 most of the time while in Virginia and had no issues with the traffic there myself. Drivers were courteous and the drive went smoothly. The worst part of my journey was in New Jersey. New York was no picnic either, but Jersey was worse. Mind you, I did not venture far in either place because it was a turn around trip.

I wish I had been able to see a lot more in New York and other places, but am happy I got to see what I did.

Thane ir'Wyndan

Yes I must agree that Virginia has some wonderfully beautiful things.  I have found that a great part of my heart lies there.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


muhahahaha! My evil plan is working and now everyone will come live in VA! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VA! yay!

um yeah, the Hampton Roads area likes to get trafficy a lot over some crazy stuff. Oh like a few weeks ago one tunnel flooded a little during a storm one night and they didn't it have it fixed once rush hour hit so they were detouring everyone going towards the tunnel. Yeah...EVERYWHERE got backed up that day. That's our area's downside. Now the REST of VA I have no idea cuz I don't leave my area all that much cept to go to Williamsburg and Bush Gardens lol >.< I still <3 my state though!


I think every state has their beautiful parts and there not so pretty places. I've been to both NY city and upstate NY and you would never guess it's the same state. I live in the eastern part of PA and the farther you get away from the cities the more beautiful it gets. I haven't traveled much out of state and when I did it was mostly just passing thru states to get to another.

The farthest I went was when Karina and I went to Las Vegas. I've got to say that my favorite site in Nevada had to be the mountains. The mountains in PA are nothing compared to the mountains out there. We would have gone as far as taking a side trip to the Grand Canyon if it weren't for the friend I took along with us, she ended up being more of a nuisance than friendly company.

We also went to Chuckey, TN for a wedding and while we were there we took a side trip to Gatlinburg. The landscape out there is also amazing. We got to see some of the Smokey Mts. traveling to Gatlinburg and they were beautiful too. If ever I won the lottery or came into a lot of money I think I'd want to live someplace away from the cities and out away from too much civilization. Someplace peaceful and quiet and all around beautiful. It wouldn't really matter too much which state as long as I love the view from my front window.
"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps."
Emo Philips.


Isnt the AOhell headquarters still located in Virginia.....  Enough said about living there  <wink>



Do not ruin my fantasy!!!!!

*sticks fingers in ears and goes lalalalalalalala*

It's too pretty for that to be true!!!

*forces them to move to Jersey if it is true*

Ahhhh....the mountains...the clouds...the rivers and waterfalls...the lil black bear digging in the dirt with it's mother waiting in the woods to eat me...

*serenity now!*

This Virginia moment brought to you by the Virginia is for lovers of all things pretty tourism board