Okay, Saturday RP again

Started by Thane ir'Wyndan, August 05, 2009, 08:28:58 AM

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Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay guys we are going to try once again to get things going with the RP on Saturdays.  I am aiming to have a session this Saturday at 2pm EST.  We are going to start with a whole new rp story since the last one was well, bogged down and a long time ago.

Anyone is welcome to come to the RP, no experience necessary and we will help out anyone who hasn't RP'ed before.  There are no sockets allowed, no high end pets (I will judge what is a high end pet), and druid spells are limited to certain in the RP uses. 

There is a post in the RP section called Reports from the Realm, please read that to get a little bit of an idea of where we are going with the new story.  Anyone who wants to take part please meet in the Lakeshire guild house at roughly 2pm EST.  Hope to see you all there.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.

Thane ir'Wyndan

We are gonna try and start this week's game at 1pm EST guys.  I have to leave at 4 so want to get an earlier start to compensate for it.  Hope to see you there.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.

Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay guys sorry for the lateness of this post but I have been shanghaied to paint a house this weekend so I won't be able to run the RP.  I vote for everyone smashing Link's head until he learns his lesson though.   ;D

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Are you going to be the one climbing the ladder ??    ;D


That means I DO get to bash heads?! Yay! *goes over to Links house with a big hammer* >:D


Heeey... what lesson?  What I do now?   :-\

My poor head... will it never get to rest.  Remind me to write a knot on your head for the next RP story I record Butter hehe ;)

*Link writes*
"And we had a great battle and we prevailed against incredible odds!"
*thinks* hmmm *adds*
"But Bubbles was injured with a giant knot on her cold little head... she'll have headaches for days"

Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay everyone, I am curious as to how many people are DEFINITELY going to come to RP this week.  So far I have had 3 people say they can't make it which is bout half our regular group.  I need to know who is DEFINITELY going to be there and a DEFINITE time please so we can see if it is feasible for this week.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.

Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay after hearing nothing from anyone I am going to assume this week's RP is a wash.  I will hopefully see everyone at the next one if schedules can be fixed.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Depending on when it is, will determine if I can make it, since RP starts at something like 5am for me :S


*whacks* Visky drink coffee or energy drinks or something and taunt me. I'm sure that will keep you up


Efffforrrttttt. Im trying to avoid caffiene these days - being smart and actually sleeping instead haha ^^


I'm planning to have some company over this weekend (5th).... I might or might not get to make it... I'll have to see  :-\


I will not be able to make RP on Saturday guys. I will be up at Nissian tailgating to for a BUffett concert..

Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay I have juggled my Saturday around and can work in RP now.  However it will not be able to start till 4pm EST.  Gotta work to pay zee bills first.  I will be here WITH heads ready to be bashed, hope to see everyone!

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.