would anyone like to see Sylvan flurish here again

Started by Misty Waters, September 18, 2010, 12:25:42 AM

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Misty Waters

if anyone would like to see sylvanheart 1.0 flurish again. then please let Acacia and the others that have been working on the shard know. i know the shard is basicly down now but i also know that people are working on it and wanting to bring it back with all the old things that we all loved so much and tons of new things to make it better than ever, but they need our support they need to know that there are people still out there that wants to play here. so please post and let them know that you would like to see the shard going again, i for one would love to see people here again, so lets give our support please


Technically, it isn't down but has just moved, and we've not made an official announcement of it yet because we're still ironing out everything hehe.

I'm one of the ones who has been and still is working on it, and I of course, and I'm sure Acacia too, would love to hear from anyone who is interested.

If you would like to log in for now, here is the address and port.

Address: www.sylvanheart.com
Port: 2593

Be looking for a "bigger" announcement and more updates I hope soon :)

Accalinor Malic

Relagos, Legendary Swordsman
Accalinor Malic, Legendary Mage/Druid
Trifta, Grandmaster Miner
Ragos, Dwarven Master Tailor
Talek Shalill, Pet Socketeer

Mine people will help the people of Sylvan Heart in any way they can.