Staff items

Started by Garrick, January 10, 2013, 01:22:03 PM

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In an effort to keep you all in the loop I would like to know what type of items you would like to see offered from staff at the auctions.  We currently have the Chargers of the Fallen in staff hue and name and we have been doing Crystals forever but I want to know what you all want and I'll see what I can do about getting approval


This might not work because not everyone has a tamer but maybe 1 of a kind animals.
Could also do staff banners for great deco... like i would be able to bid on one hehe.

Alaric McCree

Staff specific ridables have been done. There are probably a few still lingering around. If it gets approved again it would be easy to do.
Sometimes the dragon wins, that's why there is such a shortage of white knights.


Would like to see unique weapons.But not your typical weapons like 2 hand axes.
Something intersting like a crook or pitchfork or a skinning knife with stats like an artifact..The kind of weapons you wouldn't expect someone to typically use.


Quote from: metalwrath on January 11, 2013, 02:43:47 AM
Would like to see unique weapons.But not your typical weapons like 2 hand axes.
Something intersting like a crook or pitchfork or a skinning knife with stats like an artifact..The kind of weapons you wouldn't expect someone to typically use.
Agree and also since i dont  have a tamer and have never had one since UO beta I would love to have a ridable special that a non tamer can ride and control.

will parrish

I would personally like to maybe once every say 3 months staff put up for auction a special suit of armor fully socketed and then allow the winner to choose the augments of there choise for the sockets. Might be a bit to much but something like that may promote a little more interest and bring some old members back. Just some food for thought. I know everyone will not agree with it but if I dont at least say my peace I can not complain


Quite a few flaws with that idea Will.  1) It would undercut valorite sellers. 2) It would undercut those who offer socketing services. 3) Only the super rich would be able to afford them (We ahve players with 20+Million gold). 4) It would almost kill the armor market.  And those are just what popped into my head off the bat.  We have many suits of artifact armor out there, some of which come pre socketed (elemental armor comes to mind) and there are players willing to help younger and less experienced players seek out these items. 

Please keep the idea's coming as we are always looking for new things to do and we will read all suggestions and if there are ones that will work for our shard and player base we will do our best to make it happen


That wouldn't make old players come back.They'd log in for the auction outbid everyone and then disappear again or maybe play for a few days testing out the new gear.More realistic would be every couple of months for a gm to put up one  custom piece of equipment.No augments or sockets should be given with it though.


Another idea would be to auction a home custom designed by a Gm.
Or a custom gate for player to a selected area in Felucia.
Maybe some custom food that compeltly restores health mana/stamina but you only get a couple of them and then they are gone.

will parrish

I am so new, that I have never heard of element armor. By all means I would like someone to show me the armor or the ways to get it. I know sometime(Well most times) my ideas are crazy but it gets everyone elses creatove juices flowing. Just wanting to do my part for the shard and show my support here on the forums.  ;D


We currently have the option to buy custom housing through VS or Donation.  GM made items are also available by bringing a friend to our shard and they stay for a set amount of time.  We also have hidden ways to get in and out of Fel if you know where to look or what items to use.  Food that restored HP, Stam, Mana, etc... was toyed with back in the day and deemed a no go by former admins.  Maybe our current admins will look at the idea again but who knows.  All are good idea's, just most of them are already in place.  Staff also sneak items into the regular auction at times to help fill out the listing aside from the normal staff items. 

Keep the idea's coming, some new idea's popped into my head while reading these that I'll work on getting put in, but no promises


Will it's the 3 slot armor you can see on the arms on legs on Stragen.We can hunt for the equipment together if you want.Just at the moment i'm in Doom farming for artifacts.

will parrish

I am just trying to do my part and drum up the activity on the forums and I wanna support staff items on the Auction Nights.


Quote from: Garrick on February 08, 2013, 12:50:10 AM
We currently have the option to buy custom housing through VS or Donation.  GM made items are also available by bringing a friend to our shard and they stay for a set amount of time.  We also have hidden ways to get in and out of Fel if you know where to look or what items to use.  Food that restored HP, Stam, Mana, etc... was toyed with back in the day and deemed a no go by former admins.  Maybe our current admins will look at the idea again but who knows.  All are good idea's, just most of them are already in place.  Staff also sneak items into the regular auction at times to help fill out the listing aside from the normal staff items.  There is food that boosts stamina and intelligence.  I use it often.  I buy it at mistys.

Keep the idea's coming, some new idea's popped into my head while reading these that I'll work on getting put in, but no promises