absent from my home

Started by Festus, May 06, 2013, 11:18:51 AM

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Some of you may or may not have noticed my absence from Sylvan over the last week or so. Sadly I may be absent for longer.  My house took a pretty hard hit from an electrical surge when a major transmission Line and a house size transformer blew up not to far from our house durring a storm.   Aparently the surge was more than my surge protector could handle and we lost a few apliances as well as my desktop computer suffered some type of damage.  How bad my comp is I dont know yet as it is lower on priority list than clean clothes and something to keep us warm and cool.  The electric company is denying any fault stating that I must have an issue within my house system.  It seems i cant make them understand that no mater what I do in my house I cannot INCREASE VOLTAGE TO MY PLUGINS.  My surge system is good enough to meet standards for warentees on stuff but aparently not enough to sustain itself when taking a hit from a major transmission line without a transformer to reduce the voltage and amperage.  I have a few neighbors that are having the same issue as me. 

I assure you all I am doing all I cAN to get back up and running on sylvan.  I will try to replace a few parts this week on my desktop and see what happens.
I miss ya'll and especially you Will Parish. 

will parrish

Man I am sorry to hear that bud. Seems like when it rains it pours sometimes. BUT you must first and foremost take care of you and your family. Your Sylvan Family and myself will be here waiting on your return. No worries. Ill stockpile Level 7 TMAPs for us to do when you return. I will also stockpile a few other things for us. But get your family taken care of first my friend and I will see you when you return. I am going to send you my email addy through a PM. Email sometime and let me know how you are doing and all. CYA Soon Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will parrish

Hey Buddy.. Haven't seen any post from you lately old friend. I am sure I speak for a lot of your Sylvan Family when I say we wish you well and hope all is going good with your home repairs or whatever it may be that you are doing. We hope to see you back soon and miss you.  ;D