I'm Back!!!!!

Started by will parrish, June 12, 2013, 04:13:39 PM

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will parrish

Just wanted to tell everyone that my school is done and I am back to my normal schedule and it is so nice to back to Sylvan where I belong. It was nice to see everyone that I saw yesterday. I see everyone is doing decent. I know life takes us for turns at times but I can again not itterate how happy I am to be back. I hope to see my buddy Festus soon so we can run a few T-Maps. See you all around soon.  ;D


ahhhh a nice level 7 tmap would indeed test my macro making skills.  Cya friday my friend.


Welcome back :)  And, by the way, there's some even higher level maps out there now ;)

will parrish

OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like I need to figure out where to find them at now??? Can we get maybe a riddle or something?????   ???


There's at least one player who got some I believe. Perhaps you can find him ;) The clue I'd give is it is well enough guarded lol  :D