
Started by Cypress, July 01, 2013, 06:18:31 AM

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Well, as the title says, I'm vacationing. I'm off to church camp for about a week so not likely to be on much if any until the weekend. So, yall all behave while I'm away hehe ;)

Hope to be back soon - Take care all!
~ Admin Cypress

will parrish

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You can not do this to us. I have Have fun and relax!!!  :D


I'm still around and while I am not in game as much as I used to be (expanded my business to photography and have been extremely busy since) I still receive PM's here and they go right to my phone so I can respond relatively quickly.  If I'm at home and someone needs something send me a message here and I can try to log in to handle the issue

Alaric McCree

Fear not for I am around as well and I am in game more now as well. Surprisingly, I haven't even exploded anyone yet.  8)
Sometimes the dragon wins, that's why there is such a shortage of white knights.

will parrish

Aye. I believe I met you for the first time the other Lord Alaric. I have heard many great things about you and look forward to reaping the rewards of your great work. It seems when I started on Sylvan there was a quest or something of that nature that involved dragons(not your standard ones either) over running player towns. Oh how I miss those. Think it would be really kewl to find out what the story line was behind those. Anywas before I get too off topic. Thanks to all the staffers and everything they do.


Quote from: Alaric McCree on July 01, 2013, 10:56:36 PM
Fear not for I am around as well and I am in game more now as well. Surprisingly, I haven't even exploded anyone yet.  8)
ya,,, saw a message from ya the other day and surely it served to instill a bit of fear for your reputation is quite explosive.