Boudicca returns to Britania?

Started by Festus, July 05, 2013, 01:58:30 PM

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Well mates here I go.
RP,,Im going to try it. 

Druid is where I will go.

Boudicca is from the tribe of Icena and was quite famous for her .................... well here is a good link.

Since I know nothing about a Druid and even less about training druid skills I will ask for a bit of help.

Character starting?  What skills should I start with based on difficulty training other skills?
Do I start with a Human toon?
Does anyone have any help on what skills should I train first and the best way to train them?

If you should run into Boudicca you may find her speech abit slow as she always thinks her way through what she would say.  In a public area she will "attempt to stay IC".  However I suck at RP but I will be better with practice.

I will also be searching for a place for a druid type home for her.  Any Ideas there?


Well The best skills to start off with depends on what you want to do as a toon, If you are going to be a tamer druid I would go Animal taming and veterinary, doing this will make you have to train up both Magery and animal lore in order to use the druids staff but veterinary is considerably harder to raise the animal lore. If healing your pets is not something you need/want to do then go with animal taming and animal lore.
I'm Fairly certain in Sylvan you can only start as a human and then pick your race later. I remember tying to start as an elf and not being able to enter the world with that toon, had to redo the character creation page to make a human hehe.
To train up animal lore I was told that Ardins sheep like to be examined at length... the seem to really like getting attention. and for magery I can give you a training list that will raise Magery, evaluate intelligence and resist spells all at the same time if you like.