life after gustav

Started by Aries_Fellintona, September 05, 2008, 06:03:10 PM

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so i am sitting at whole foods market in another town just to hav internet to check in
i am ok...we have alot o dwntrees, we are staying at my grandmoters house til we gt power which might be around late september, i am very glad i have training for my new job in anoter town next week
free hotel, internet, working water etc etc etc for two weeks
o life is a little rough as i dont have the things i am accustom to like hot meals...showers
i look and smell like a boho hippie artist finally...its not cool at all
health wise i am startng to fall, my medication was in my house that we evaced sooo i dont have it
but all is well and safe
i will return next week in my trainig for at least two weeks
aries, isabis, and cecilia

Thane ir'Wyndan

Well we are glad you survived.  I hope everyone hit by this gets their life back together in fast order.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


 ;)  totally agree,   hope you guys manage to get back on your feet fast and things return to norm soon. 


Aries, I hope everything works out for you. Fortunatly we were not hit as hard as predicted, we had some wind, and some rain, but that was about it. As far as I know there was no damage reports or flooding reports in my area, we did get a bunch of evacuees though from Louisiana and Beaumont area.