Router Issues

Started by Shakka, September 02, 2008, 06:49:32 PM

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I know this is a shot in the dark but I'm hoping a tech savvy person can help.  We just installed a new wireless router in the home and we get disconnected from the internet quite often.......around 6 times a day, give or take.  We have two machines on the network, one connected directly to the router and one with the wireless network adapter.  This seems to happen usually when I'm on Sylvan, running ventrilo or even just browsing a webpage.  It is even worse when both comps are being used at the same time.

When it is working properly it works great.  But these frequent disruptions make this setup just about useless.  If anyone has any tips or ideas it'd be greatly appreciated........or maybe I could be advised to just ditch this and go back to hardwire lol.  If anyone can help but needs more info I'll give you what I can but I'm pretty clueless about such things...

Thanks in advance :)


I recently had the same problem.  I fixed it by A. making sure in "Network Connections" found thru the control panel that the "1394" connection was disabled.  and B.  Right click on "Wireless Connection" or whatever yours is named in network connections and clicking on properties and in the box under the General tab click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then properties and make sure "Obtain IP address and Obtain DNS" are selected.  This fixed mine.


 ;)  also dont forget to syncronise the netwark also, 


Thanks to both of you for responding.  We will try these things and if we keep having issues we will probably just ditch this and opt for the old hardwire lol. 

Thanks again  :)


What kind of router is it?
The shovel does not actually hit the ground or the stone or the cave floor.. nor does the fishing pole hit the water. There is no spoon.. *puts on Matrix sunglasses*