Thane's Evil Plotting

Started by Thane ir'Wyndan, September 14, 2008, 02:05:42 AM

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Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay guys for some upcoming fun I will require input from people.  Please pm here VIA THE FORUMS with the name of your main player and the 3 places you like to hunt best.

I has a surprised planned.   :D

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


 ;D   worried about that thane surprise...  but my hunting fav spots are,  *thinks*  exception of fel....Ilshenar chaos   that place is so much fun,  then theres also Ilshenar blood dungeon  i enjoy it there too,   last but not forgotton...i like to go play with them lich's,darksiders and mage things on the rooftops of fire dungeon.      8)


hehe he said to PM him here not reply  :)


 :-[   oh,  silly me  lol   :-X


 Ellen with the black solons Eli Ilsnare Blood dungeon and the Drow. Christina Mountains to mine.