Pet War Winners, 3/12/09

Started by Thane ir'Wyndan, March 13, 2009, 02:33:33 AM

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Thane ir'Wyndan

Warhorse:  Artemis with Clyde

Frenzied Ostard:  Ryne with Stompachu

Nightmare:  Artemis with Phantom

Firesteed:  Isabis with Pyralis

bake kitsune:  Link with Kissune

ABB:  Artemis with bunny

Rune Beetle:  Isabis with Fruit Punch

Ridable Dragon:  Link with Ridable

Dragon:  Jammy with Boss

White Wyrm:  Ryne with Shinoak

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.



Just plain Kissune  ;)   hehe