Pet Wars - 3/26

Started by Admin Acacia, March 22, 2009, 12:34:08 PM

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Admin Acacia

We are planning to run Pet Wars twice a month.  That means  it's time again for the second March pet wars!  Wow, where is time going??   
Get your pets warmed up, you have time for a bit more training.   Be there, approximately 8 PM Eastern time!!

The following is a list of pets that normally are up for competition, only if there are at least 2 animals in each class:

Frenzied Ostard
Unicorn/Kirin (fought in same group)
Fire Steed
Ridable Dragons
Blood Steed
Acacia's Baby Bunny
Bake Kitsune
Rune Beetle
Base Dragons
White Wyrm
Colored Dragons (fought  separately, in color groups)  ---- All depends on competition.

Never be less than your dreams.