Friends from other Sylvan Heart

Started by Iris, October 19, 2011, 05:56:54 PM

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    We would like to offer our Sympathy For the closing of the other Sylvan, We are offering the players there a new home here on the original Sylvan Heart. The other shard was based on what we all loved and cherished  here on this Sylvan. We hope you will concider joining with us and meet old friends and maybe make a few new friends, We can not replace what was lost but hope to offer a new begining of adventure  and fun for us all.


Ah, it's all good.  So far this shard has been great, a lot of interesting things(the trees you could snooze in caught my eye right away :p).


Omg I am so sick to my stomach right now. I just tried to go to the website of the other sylvan and it kept taking me to your site. I tried to login and it just hung up. Everything is gone. All 3 houses, all my gorgeous deco...and I didnt even have pics. Uggggg.....Ill try to login here if I can remember my username and password. Wow...


I caught the final post on the forums just a day before they were shutting down the server. I'm glad I didn't have too much time invested on anything there, I really didn't have the time to spend on gaining skills and stats plus with the operating system I have on my PC it made it even harder to connect sometimes. Now when I click on my link for the forums of the other shard I just get the Sylvan website rather than the forums. There is a place to enter your username and password, but I don't remember what mine was and none of my usual ones work.
I never removed anything from this server so as long as Cypress kept my account from being deleted I should still have all my shinies intact here. I still haven't figured out how to connect with this server either using my current operating system so until I do that or finally get Karina to put Windows 7 on my PC I won't be logging in in the near future. So Cypress if your reading this would you be so kind as to keep holding onto my account if it's still around until I get things worked out on my end. Thanks!
"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps."
Emo Philips.


Normal users cannot log into the website - that login is for the website manager to make changes to the site. Your in-game account should be safe and sound and waiting for you for whenever you can get back in :)

If you need any help with anything (such as any extra help getting it to work on your system), I'd be glad to help. Just drop me a PM here :)  

~ Admin Cypress


Crimson, you so better return. I miss you like crazy. My account wasnt here anymore, but yours. I was at your house just a day or so ago. Please get Karina on the computer situation.