Actions while hidden

Started by Harthus, September 08, 2012, 03:34:09 PM

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First question is...
Is the hiding/stealth system as it currently is a modified version specific for this server?
   The reason I ask is because you cant seem to do ANYTHING while hidden or stealthed yet you can on pretty much every other server in existence.
Second question is if the first is true.
Is there anyway to talk to the staff into changing it back to where you can still mine, loot, etc while hidden/stealthed.
*chuckles* This may be a stupid excuse but it pretty much makes the two skills worthless to me except for travel, hiding to go afk.


Hiding/Stealth is pretty self explanatory in it's definition.  You are silent.  If you make noise or move too fast you break your silence.  I am a roach thief (one who sticks to the shadows and when I'm seen I run like hell) and if I was able to sit in one spot and do an action such as mining it can be potentially allow a player to step away and mine continuously until they filled up with Valorite and then repeat the process after dropping Val off at home.

As to looting..... you realize when you rummage through a body and take item's you're making noise and thus would not be hidden very well.  I use the skills to great effect as I rarely have to fight while treasure hunting and I am a perfect scout in group hunts as very few creatures can break stealth/hiding.  To say that hiding and stealth are worthless just means you haven't unlocked their potential.  Hiding has gotten me out of serious trouble, and stealth has allowed me to retrieve my body without fear of dying an additional 20+ times in that endeavor.

Now as to what you CAN do while hidden.  Use animal lore, use bandages (both on self and pets), change arrows if you're an archer, re-equip yourself after death, or during a fight if you can distance yourself enough, pick locks, scout areas, get close enough to stealables you don't have much to worry about from stronger mobs, and more things I can't even thin of right now because it uses skills I do not have.


Oh im very aware of the uses of stealth/hiding and I know they are self explanatory.
I did say that it makes the two skills worthless to me. I didnt say it made them worthless to others in what they do.
I know that realistically you would make alot of noise digging or looting chests but realistically you wouldnt be able to resurrect a human being from the dead as a ghost using a bandage. You also wouldnt be able to tame a sentient and intelligent dragon in only a few minutes. The list goes on but its the way the game was developed and what everyone has come to know as fact.
Now ill admit its been years since ive played the official OSI servers so this may be how things are supposed to work but on pretty much every other server ive been to player wise these actions would not reveal you.
Even on OSI server before I quit I was able to hide while mining for example without being revealed.  
Its wishful thinking that it could be changed but it never hurts to ask *chuckles* over a decade of uo experience but player servers change the rules so much that its hard to know whats what from server to server or from OSI.

I do know the effects of looting chests while hidden and I honestly can accept that as maybe easily abused but I guess I got used to it when it comes to mining.  As for continuously mining valorite AFK mining is against the rules.  Players have been using hiding to make work easier for years and its worked out so far.


Pretty sure you can loot while hidden using the [grab command.


You know I havnt tried that. I will have to but im pretty sure that only applies to corpses.
Cypress what is your opinion of mining and lumberjacking while hidden?

Lucian Darkfire

I would think you would make WAY to much noise smashing through rock and wood to stay hidden during all of that. Realistically looting a body COULD make minimal about noise to loot while hidden, but just not mining and chopping.


I would be against mining and lumber-jacking while hidden or in stealth, when mining or chopping lumber you have a chance to spawn a guardian (rat, mongbat or elemental for mining, hourn for lumberjacks) these things spawned via these means, have the name of the person who triggered them attached to them. If you could just mine and chop without ever revealing oneself these creatures would just build up making life harder for others. In the past people just left these mobs where ever they triggered them, this was a major problem at one point and the founder/ original owner of the shard (Oak) had a name and shame wall in Mag Meadow, if you found a guardian that had been ditched then staff could be paged and the guardian would be shrunk and put in mag on the wall of shame, if you had 3 guardians put on that wall you got a temp ban, do the same thing again and get a permanent ban. This (the wall) was removed from the way things are unfortunately.

But to answer the question in your OP, the way Hiding and Stealth work on here is how it has been made to work (as in it works this way by design/ intention), nearly everything from AoS content onwards (especially SE and ML stuff) do not work like on OSI or {insert shard running defaults} because of how they where added, whatever limitations and restrictions the person adding it encountered and by intention. Another example of this are Rune Beetles and Hiryu, these tameable are not broken as in bugged on here they are just working as intended by the person who added them (Oak).


There are the RP reasons which I agree with, but they are not the main point for me. The main point for me would be the risk level.

Mining and lumberjacking can indeed spawn guardians. Stealthing while gathering seems almost like an exploit to get around dealing with the guardians. Yes, in so many words, the guardians are there to be annoying and make gathering a little more difficult hehe. There is meant to be a certain level of risk when taking things from the places of the guardians ;)

Still, there have been other modifications to stealth which I think were done before you came:


Yes the guardians. I only just found out about those since I guess my character wasnt high enough in skill to disturb one.


Should be able to mine while hidden
Should not be able to loot another's body while hidden
Should not be able to loot a monster kill while hidden

Its possible that if using an invis potion some of this is infact possible.

Finally, since I "cant play here yet I am not an athourity on any damn thing.
I hope that  will change tomorrow?  *heavy sigh*