Rei's Odd's and Ends

Started by Rei, July 18, 2012, 02:00:32 AM

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Rei's odd's and ends is available through the vendor all portals!  What do I have so far? Well my vendor sells Tailor repair deeds, various jewelry, and augments so far.  I plan to add some tokuno arti's (both deco and useful) as well as runic armor once I get some kits.  I also have one free vendor contract for 500/month.  And Katt has a vendor for clothing.


Vendor is always being restocked with new items.  If you need any specific stealables let me know and I will gladly get it for a nominal fee.


Aside from the vendors I have started locking down artifacts that I come across as drops or steals that are for sale, but are on a PM basis. If you want one PM me an offer for what you think it is worth.  I also have a bulletin board placed to take orders for stealables.  Regular stealables are 100 gold per level, Doom is a minimum of 1k per level, Special dungeons are on a case by case basis so ask and I will give you prices for each stealable.


We now offer Porcelain and Obsidian mounts! Porcelain are 10k each and Obsidian are 20k each.  Obsidian is more durable than Porcelain and thus will break less often.  PM me in game if you want one as I will not keep them in stock.

I am also taking orders to obtain stealables, both deco and gear, and have a bulletin board set up for those orders.  The price range is as follows: NON Doom Gauntlet deco is 100 gold per rarity level.  Doom Gauntlet deco is 5k for the bloody bowls, bottle, and books. 10k for the lamps.  Doom gear is MINIMUM 100k each, PM for specific prices.

Trammel stealables are 100 gold per rarity level. Same with Tokuno steals. 

Fel steals will be significantly more expensive due tot he time and danger involved. 3k per rarity level.  My artifacts that are locked down are still for sale, PM me with a reasonable offer and it is likely yours.


Rei's Odds and Ends now has whittled items for sale! we can do the talking statuettes, scarecrows, the specialty shelving units (helm, tailor, linen etc...) and they DO hold items! Yay for fancy storage!  Speaking of storage! We also carry the elusive barrel! That sought after storage container long thought lost from the world!  If we don't have them in stock PM Rei or leave a message on the message board with what you need!

Lucian Darkfire


For the next few days my vendors will NOT be available.  I am having my house remodeled and had to take them down for now. Once the house is finished I will place them back up with new and hopefully better items.  In the meantime if anyone needs any items that I normally stock see me in game and I will do what I can.