here we go again.

Started by Festus, May 17, 2013, 07:25:58 PM

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ok Cypress.  Im here again begging for help.


I got somewhere to be in just about 10 mins, so maybe after I get back from that (which I hope won't take very long) :)


Quote from: Cypress on May 17, 2013, 07:38:20 PM
I got somewhere to be in just about 10 mins, so maybe after I get back from that (which I hope won't take very long) :)
Sylvan installer is only 13.5 megs so i assume I need to have a uo client installed to run the installer?  If so where shold I get the client and what patch shouuld I go to.

Man...I have a loaner comp that will run UO finally and now I will spend the next week or so trying to meet up with someone that can help me.  LOL 
I will try to keep Raidcall up and turned on.  If any one can help me out get on raidcall and Yell for Festus a bunch so i can hear and come running.

will parrish

Go to the uo website and dl mondains legacy or something of that nature. shoot. when I first came back last year I went to another free shard site and downloaded there. try that then point the sh installer to your file of uo. ill try to get on raidcall tonight when I get home and help you if you haven't gotten it done yet.


You do not need the UOML installer. It does not have the Sylvan patches to play on our shard, and we do not offer the patches separately anymore. The Sylvan installer should have everything you need minus razor which is optional.

The Sylvan installer should be a bit over 500MB. If it is not, then your download may have gotten corrupted, and you need to try to get it again.


Quote from: Cypress on May 18, 2013, 11:28:55 PM
You do not need the UOML installer. It does not have the Sylvan patches to play on our shard, and we do not offer the patches separately anymore. The Sylvan installer should have everything you need minus razor which is optional.

The Sylvan installer should be a bit over 500MB. If it is not, then your download may have gotten corrupted, and you need to try to get it again.
OK,,,I deleted the 4 copy's of sylvan heart installer because they were a bit over 13 mb in size and I "did" get a message that says there is missing data or something of that nature.  Ill try again now.  Im using the link off of the main page (how to connect).


Quote from: Festus on May 19, 2013, 12:22:51 PM
Quote from: Cypress on May 18, 2013, 11:28:55 PM
You do not need the UOML installer. It does not have the Sylvan patches to play on our shard, and we do not offer the patches separately anymore. The Sylvan installer should have everything you need minus razor which is optional.

The Sylvan installer should be a bit over 500MB. If it is not, then your download may have gotten corrupted, and you need to try to get it again.
OK,,,I deleted the 4 copy's of sylvan heart installer because they were a bit over 13 mb in size and I "did" get a message that says there is missing data or something of that nature.  Ill try again now.  Im using the link off of the main page (how to connect).
I turned off my virus software and its now downloading normal I think.  Prolly Norton and windows firewall didnt like the download and stopped it even though I told them it was ok.


Quote from: Festus on May 19, 2013, 12:25:58 PM
Quote from: Festus on May 19, 2013, 12:22:51 PM
Quote from: Cypress on May 18, 2013, 11:28:55 PM
You do not need the UOML installer. It does not have the Sylvan patches to play on our shard, and we do not offer the patches separately anymore. The Sylvan installer should have everything you need minus razor which is optional.

The Sylvan installer should be a bit over 500MB. If it is not, then your download may have gotten corrupted, and you need to try to get it again.
OK,,,I deleted the 4 copy's of sylvan heart installer because they were a bit over 13 mb in size and I "did" get a message that says there is missing data or something of that nature.  Ill try again now.  Im using the link off of the main page (how to connect).
I turned off my virus software and its now downloading normal I think.  Prolly Norton and windows firewall didnt like the download and stopped it even though I told them it was ok.
:Ughhhhh!!!! I just thought of something.......Razor.... OMG I had at least 150 various macros on my razor for everything from all skills gains macros to all crafting skills macros for making things and all my pvp and pvm macros  OMG macros from 10 years....hahahaahh Im gonna have a ton of work to do every time I want to do something.


well, im back wooot.  Now to get razor to open it up and start building macros again.  I cant wait to see ya'll.



Quote from: Cypress on May 20, 2013, 12:43:37 AM
Welcome back!!  ;D
aye,,well dangit.  Yesterday I was only getting the chloic file message and could ignore it but now today im getting the cholic message and 2d Null message also.   ack.... cant log on with razor till i find the issue.

will parrish

Did you get your macros and so on working? Ill be home in a few from work and I will have maybe 2 hours of play time we can wonder around or whatever. Hoepfully Ill see you soon.  ;D


Quote from: will parrish on May 21, 2013, 01:56:29 PM
Did you get your macros and so on working? Ill be home in a few from work and I will have maybe 2 hours of play time we can wonder around or whatever. Hoepfully Ill see you soon.  ;D
well, was working on the null error and did a registry change so I shut down the comp and restarted it.  It sounded like it restarted and had the windows tinkle sound but 0 video.  Just a blank black screen.   Ugh..

will parrish

Ill be on raidcall Thursday morning and will try and help you if I can.    ;)

will parrish

Ill be here in the morning buddy. Hope to see you here