Maybe i found the source of server death lag

Started by Festus, September 25, 2013, 04:24:35 PM

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well today I did the same thing I have done 2 times in the past.  All three times as soon as I engage the same dragon there is a lag spike that quickly turns into either server crashes or forced disconnects from such heavy lag.  Three times cant be a accident.  I do believe there is an issue either with a spawner there or between my client (got from Garrick) and the server data. 

As of now the server is not playable to me and the others that were playing have either lost connection or just logged off or both.


Doesn't seem likely as I just locked up while you and Will were in Mag and I was setting my hues


I can almost definitively say Destard is not the problem now as I have crashed twice now while everyone was in Mag


Quote from: Garrick on September 25, 2013, 05:16:30 PM
I can almost definitively say Destard is not the problem now as I have crashed twice now while everyone was in Mag
agree,,,It can be nothing but a server issue.  Woooo hooooo ohhhhhh server god.  Ohhh server gud I summon thee to sylvan server.  I order thee to work thy magic and bring it back to a stable state, Ooooohhhh  server gud ohhhh server gud bring back me sylvan.


Seems fine right now. It may just have been a internet issue for our host, but I can check the server logs to see about any crashes.


Just checked the server logs. It does not look like a crash.