Refresher Course

Started by Admin Acacia, September 07, 2006, 05:01:19 PM

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Admin Acacia

I am sure that most of you would agree that Sylvan Heart is a wonderful "family" shard.  As that goes, we do get to acting like family, and as such we have our disagreements.  For the most part, we deal with it and move on.

I do want to have a bit of a refresher for those of you who may not have read them or those of us who need to read them again.  This would be the Rules of the shard. I encourage you all to read back through them. You can find the entire list of them on the main Website or here in the forums:

This is an area that I am revisiting in this post...
QuoteRespect the Staff and Players. No harassing, no name calling, no cursing, luring MOBs, impersonating staff or players, no griefing of any kind. Period. This applies to the forums as well. If you enjoy flaming others for fun or profit, go somewhere else.

Of late, there has been some breeches in this common courtesy - Respecting Staff and Players.  In game, and in the forums.  This is not going to be tolerated.  We all have opinions, and we aren't always going to agree with each other, but we aren't going to allow flaming in game or on forums.

Also, of late, there seems to be an increasing lack of respect for Staff, in game and on the forums.  I have stated many times that Sylvan Heart has the best, most dedicated staff you would hope to find on any player shard.  These fine staffers give up their free play time, even dipping into their much needed sleep time, to aid the players, work on events, find scenarios for role play, craft new creatures, or answer pages and sell deco.  I could make a huge post just scratching the surface of just what  Staff has to deal with in game, and all the while doing it as courteously as is humanly possible, even when a player they are dealing with is anything but courteous in return.

The Staffers here on Sylvan Heart are truly an important part of what the shard is all about. They are all, from Counselor level up to Admin, involved in the running of the shard and it's evolution into an ever improving living thing. With out Staff, there would be no Sylvan Heart.  They deserve your respect in game and in the forums, and they will get it.  I will have a zero tolerance to mistreatment of my staff.

QuoteRespect the Staff and Players.
Notice that line says... and Players.    This world is like a mini-real world.  You will NOT get along with everyone in game. You won't like everyone in game.  You won't think everyone in game is smart enough to find their way out of a paper bag. You won't think everyone is playing the game as it should be played... but you will respect the players and their right to have a different outlook on things. 

They are all, from the player logging in to Sylvan Heart for the first time, to the player who has been here going on two years, involved with and important to the running of this shard. With out these players, there would be no Sylvan Heart.  They deserve your respect in game and in the forums, and they will get it.

Again, please reread the player rules in the forums and realize that each day is a bright new day for Sylvan Heart.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Never be less than your dreams.