New Game: The person below me...

Started by Crimson, January 19, 2007, 06:10:11 PM

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Soooo true! 

TPBM already has their halloween costume picked out.

Side note.. I have tried the new Pumpkin kisses and LOVE them.  I made oatmeal cookies with one of those in the center and they were delicious!!!


possibly true hehe

The person below me... is no longer thinking about what they shall post concerning the person below them.  ;D


 :)  absolutely true,  am gonna log in for a lil mining then hit the sack.

  The persone below me is just getting ready to log into  game...

Thane ir'Wyndan

False I just logged out.

The person below me has seen a tailless squirrel.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.

Morwen Aldarion

True. I think someone must have done something to it's tail, it had a stump where the tail should have been.  (The squirrels on my campus are so used to people they will frequently come right next to you).

TPBM  is a late night person.


So True, I typically work all night long.

The person below me wants a piece of pumpkin pie like I do..


Indeed, pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cookies, Pumpkin Bread, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin fudge.. I am a Pumpkin freak!
   The Person below me can't wait for fall.
*May the stars guide you!*


 :D   emm,  that would be false,   Fall  (or Autumn as we call it in our world) means that winter is coming,,   winter is cold and miserable and i no likey that, lol.   

   The person below me is looking forward to christmas season, (not like me)

Morwen Aldarion

False.  I too like the summer, and really despise being near any shopping area around the Christmas season (too many ppl crowding my personal shopping space) hehe.

TPBM regularly attends church.


False.  I used to attend a place of worship (not necessarily a church lol) regularly before I moved but never started attending the one locally after moving.

TPBM uses conditioner. 


False:  I do not have enough hair left to condition

TPBM was dropped on their head as a child.


Um False, at least I seriously hope false.  ;D

The person below me wants to go to the orthodontist for me.

Morwen Aldarion

Meh, I ain't scared (has been going to the orthodontist for herself).

TPBM has woken up in the middle of the night/early morning and wondered, "Why in the world am I out of bed at this time?"


False.  I wake up but don't wonder why.  It's either kids or gaming addiction or pregnancy hormones causing insomnia Lol

TPBM never has trouble falling asleep.

Thane ir'Wyndan

After intense debate me and my insomnia agree the answer is false.

The person below me knows THEY are watching.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.