New Game: The person below me...

Started by Crimson, January 19, 2007, 06:10:11 PM

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False.  All the dreams I can remember are in color.

TPBM...either doesn't dream or can never remember them.



Thats definitely false...I've been thru war and survived and have seen things I wish noone ever has to.

TPBM loves washing and waxing their car.


False....ahhh the joy of having children who can do it for you. starting to have major withdrawl symptoms.




I have to say true...I love all different kinds of cheese especially limburger the smelly cheese

TPBM loves roller coasters


OMG soooo true.  I LOVE roller coasters.  Can never get enough of them. afraid of heights.



Totally false I love being very high in the air and looking down

TPBM cant live without music


So very true - I love all kinds of music and listen constantly.

TPBM has started twitching and it has nothing to do with coffee.


True I hate coffee, ice water has same will keep u up for so long till u feel tired again...then what happens??? Someone has to get another cup of coffee?...before u realize it u drink a pot of coffee in less than 2 hours and making does it really keep you awake? I think not You can drink just as much water and have same effect...ITS ALL IN UR HEAD...

TPBM has a pet or 2 or 3...etc


That would be True we have a Quaker Parrot  with a foul mouth ( no idea where he gets it from )  a gecko lizard that my son just had to have a 55 gallon fish tank and a moody cat that my son wont part with.

TPBM has no pets
Flint the Dwarf


False, I have a dog, 2 cats, a guinea pig, a fish and an 8ft boa.  I lvoe animals of all sorts and if I had a bigger place I would have more of them.   
TPBM.....  colors their hair to hide their gray


False.  I leave all the grey in there so that I can blame it all on the kids.  muahahahaha

The person below me has no kids and so misses out on all the fun or tormenting and embarrasing them.


False.  We have two kids (a daughter- 2 yrs., and a son- 6 months), but they are not yet old enough to torment.

The person below me enjoys fishing.


 :o This is SO true - i'd rather fish than eat.

TPBM does not like fish - at all.

Keloff Brenn

Well kinda False -  i never keep them long enough to form a friendship or to know if i like them - I normally cook and eat them for to fast for that

The person below me believes  that  they are the next American Idol!!!