First Official meeting of the Sylvan Heart Shard Council.

Started by Predatory Beauty, March 07, 2007, 05:18:18 AM

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Predatory Beauty

Hear Ye Hear Ye!

Oh I always love saying that!

Well my lovelies!, I do have to tell you, This feisty reporter went though a bit of trouble to sneak her little tail in to that stuff Council chamber to get the scope for you... my avid readers! But that's why I am Daisy Darling... every ones Favorite Darling! I tell you... Stood in the Corner behind this stuffy tapestry for a good hour peeking though a hole some clever and friendly little moth chewed out for me. Bless his dear heart... to bad he flew to close to the candle flame... Sacrifice for the greater good... Well the story any way.

So here we are, Big steps and Big changes in the works for our ever changing world. All for the better we think here at the Bitanian Chronicle. Goddess Acacia, God Cidran, Goddess Aesa were all in attendance... and even The Dragon God Alaric showed up during the meeting. Our Esteemed Council Members were in good Company and seemed to work well together. The Ladies First now... As always. Lady Varani showed up looking charming as always, Followed in by Lady Faethora in all her earthiness, and Lady Rayne in the ever flashy Red as always!. Our Sweetling... Orc Rithik was last to Show up,  With Helegsul arriving with the Ladies looking the ever dapper Gent he is.

I do say I was expecting a lot of spitting and clawing... Like a monkey and a cat tied together in a gunny sack.. But surprise, surprise things went along rather smoothly. This first Offical Meeting of the Shard Council was the starting point to build a foundation for the future. Our Esteemed Council members laid down the Laws for the Council and all the ones to come. Out lining the responsibilities each member will carry during their term of serves. It took them a bit over an hour to lay it all out... Vote... and agree. But in the end this Reporter is pleased to inform the Citizens of Sylvan Heart! This is off to a grand Old Start!

Now this is for all of you to know... Yes you as the people! The Responsibilities of our Shard Council. They are the People to talk to, that's right, you have an Idea, a concern, an itch in that ol' brain pan that needs a scratchen. Seek out the members of the council. They will make time to listen and carry your thoughts back to the gods themselves! They are here for us all.

Now I know some of you are concerned that this will make people get a swelled head. But no need to worry. For this has been foreseen! Rules have not been set in place for the council itself. Will just have to add those in at the end of this little trist don't ya think? Every one on the council sit as Equals, no one having more status then the next person.

This first session of the council ended after the foundation was laid. We must give our thanks for the first members of the Shard Council. They have been set upon the taste of laying the building blocks for the future councils. I stood in the shadows jotting down notes, And the first rules of the council came across the table with little argument.

Council Rules:
1. Council Members will sit upon the Council for a term of Three months, consisting of 6 official scheduled meetings.
2. Attendance - All Council members must be present for at lest 4 of the 6 Council Bi monthly meetings. If missing meetings Council Members must contact Lady Acacia, Lord Cidran, Or Lady Aesa to be excused. (exception to this is Real Life Emergencies we have no power over.)
3. Confidentiality Clause - Any thing Discussed with in the Council Meetings Titled By the Gods as Confidential will remain between the Council and the Gods. If Caught sharing this Information out side the Council Hall with any one out side the council, Council member will be disbarred and will no longer be eligible to take a seat on future council. This includes. Shard Secrets, Story Line Discussions, or event Plans.
4. Terms of Serves. - No Council Member may run for more then one turn at a time, Unless Candidates are needed. This provides a chance for fresh points of view and in site from various players. Players can run multiple times as long as a a three month span of time passes between terms.
5. The Leave the Baggage at the Door Clause! - Council Sessions will be OOC at all times. RP and personal Issues that any council members may have with each other weather it is OOC or RP. Leave it out of the council chambers!
6. Stepping Down - Council members who find they can not complete a term of serves. May step down from their position. Member must Contact Lady Acacia Via the Shard Forums to step down.
7. Responsibility Clause - A seat upon the Council is something you asked for. It comes with Responsibilities. Council members who take a seat and Do not Contribute. Example being, Ignoring players, Exploring Bugs, Scamming players, Disclosing confidential information, Flaming Players, ect. Will result in being removed from the council for the present term and all terms after VIA Majority Council Vote.
8. Running for Council - Campaigning for future terms of serves upon the shard council will surely win you votes. Candidates may not Spam Public Chat to inform players to vote for you. Campaigning should be done in game, On the Forums or with in your Guild. Again Do not spam Public Chat for Campaigning.

There you have it People. The First rules of the Shard Council. The Next meeting will be held on Sunday The 18th of March at 10am Eastern time. Who knows what will be discussed at the next meeting. But this is your chance to snag up one of our Esteemed Council members and share your thoughts with them. Each Council member will carry your Ideas in to the council chamber for Discussion with the Rest of the Council and the Gods themselves!

Till then my dears... This is Daisy Darling Every ones Favorite Darling with the Britanian Chronicle wishing you a good day and Happy Gamming!

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