end of the world....

Started by Mina, September 05, 2008, 10:53:41 PM

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 :D   my kids came home from school today screaming that the worl is gonna end on wednesday...   caused by some project that is to see what happens by throwing high speed molecules together or something..it got me top wondering. What would be the one thing you would want to do if you knew you had three days left,  AND  how do you think the world will end?  lol

   My answer is  i would like just one daty of being NORMAL and i think the polar caps will change, causing tremendous chaos on erath and not quite ending civilisation but annoying it greatly  lol,   (course thats already happened in game  lol)


 ;D  omg  beer and spelling really dont go well together!    8)

Queen Karina

well i think the world will end because  some  scientist  thinks he knows it all and when in fact he just has an  educated GUESS  on what is gonna happen   and boom  we are all dead   

Cidran Falastion

I don't think the world will ever end entirely, civilization may wipe each other out and the world may change drastically but I think our world Earth will remain in some fashion.

As scientists have discovered (how I'm not sure) that the universe expands and then collapses on itself I think that would be the most likely cause to the worlds utter annihilation. Though there has also been some scientists who claim that galaxies merge and that Andromeda, our closest galactic neighbor could merge with our own in a catastrophic event.

Well I'm done heh... back to your regularly scheduled program.

"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught."

Baba Dioum

Thane ir'Wyndan

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


funny this post should come up. There is a comet that is heading our way and scientists are wondering and working on it now to try and find a way to make it go bye bye.
I would go to the lake or woods with my family and spend the day enjoying and laughing every moment.

Thane ir'Wyndan

Personally I hope we never find out when the end of everything is coming.  People all like to think this would make the world's last days a shining happy gathering of love.  I call shenanigans on that, I think all the evil and filth people are capable of doing would be our final testament if we knew the end was nigh.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Hmm to reply to Minas question if I knew the world was ending I would spend my last days running about naked in a drunken state living in trees.

And to quote the lead scientist in the Particle accelerator project. "Anyone who things this is going to destroy the world is an utter Twat"

God i love the brits

Admin Acacia

Dang!  It can't end till the next Earagon book comes out!

Never be less than your dreams.


Alot of people believe that the world is going to end on 12-21-2012 due to the Myhan calender abruptly stopping. Experts and scientists have discovered that the Myhan calender has predicted numerous events that have happened in the history of the world.

Queen Karina

The 2012 thing is funny cause  i talked to a few people about it and they believe it , then i asked them well if That's when the world is gonna end why do you put money away for retirement

Thane ir'Wyndan

Okay the Mayan thing does NOT predict the end of the world.  It signifies the end of the current age that is all.  The belief was that the world MIGHT end after one of the ages but not that it would.  If the end date had come and the world didn't end they just would have started up the calendar again marking the coming age.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


I agree with Thane on the "if we knew the end was near" thing.

Now on a less serious note... I think the world will be over run with rabid Acacia Bunnies and to purge it, Thane will hit his most magnificent explode button ever and send us all to kingdom come.... and if I knew that was going to happen... I'd spend my last days hunting for Thane to stop him lol :D

*mentally changes the picture of Chibi Thane I drew*
Thane with a paniced look, surrounded by bunnies, and jumping frantically on his button: "Must... purge... the planet!"


actualy..i think zombies honestly are gonna destroy the world..not the come to life thing, but some type of superbug thing and it spreads life wildfire and yeah something like that honestly...science or something like that will destry the world...zombies..it all ends with zombies :-)


The day will come when a Twinkie goes past it's shelf life. On that day the universe will simply cease to exist.