Hrmm, does Acacia live in Oregon?

Started by Woede, July 03, 2009, 02:18:32 PM

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Admin Acacia

Hey!!!  I resemble that remark!  No, I don't live in Oregon... and that woman was clearly nuts... I'm not clearly nuts, I'm just foggily nuts.  No, I mean, I'm clearly totally irrevocably sane.  Yeah, that's it.

Actually, I think Aesa lives in Oregon.  Maybe she is secretly hording bunnies and just keeping quiet about it.


Never be less than your dreams.

GM Feenix

I'll have you know my lawyers will be sending documents over...  I fell out of my chair  and broke my hip.

On a serious note... Acacia did the ward ever give you the flowers I sent?

It's not who's at the top that matters. Only the path you chose to get there.


Yes yes that was me.  And I was saving the frozen ones to counteract Caelan's explody things!

I actually used to live in the same county as that woman about 5 mins away when that all happened. 

Poor bun buns.