How to connect

Started by Cypress, September 06, 2011, 05:32:22 PM

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What you need
The Sylvan Installer: Sylvan Heart Installer

Getting an account
Sylvan Heart is not an auto-account creation shard. You will need to send a request for an account.

Please join the forums and send Admin Iris or Admin Cypress a pm. Tell a bit about your gaming experience, UO, role play, and the like. Be sure to include an account name and password that you would like to use to log in with: can't make your account without these.

If you have any trouble joining the forums or sending me a PM, you can send me an email on my account, Cpt_Statfox. (Yes, that is STATfox. It's a typo that I just kept ;) )

Connecting to Sylvan without Razor
Simply run installer should place a Sylvan Heart shortcut on your desktop. Open that and welcome to the land of Sylvan Heart!

Optional parts
Razor: Razor Latest Release Page or Razor_1_4_0_3.exe

Season Patches:
Winter (For use only with Razor!)
Other Seasons (For use only with Razor!)

Winter (For use without Razor!)
Other Seasons (For use without Razor!)

Connecting to Sylvan if you use Razor
1. Run the Sylvan installer and take note of the install location.

2. Install Razor.
3. Type in the server and port and make sure that the "Patch Client Encryption" box is checked as shown in the picture below.

Port: 2593

4. Set the Razor "UO Data Directory" by clicking browse and going to the location you installed to as shown in the pictures below.

5. Click the Okay button and welcome to the land of Sylvan Heart!

For any additional information or if you have trouble with any of this, please send a PM to me.

Thank you,
Admin Cypress


Seasons Greetings and Patches!

We now have patches to allow for a beautiful snowy Sylvan Heart winter! And once Winter ends, you can use the other seasons patch to end the Winter and enjoy the Spring, Summer, and Fall!

These patches are optional, but are here for your enjoyment! Note that the Winter really is pretty hehe :)

Winter (For use only with Razor!)
Other Seasons (For use only with Razor!)

Winter (For use without Razor!)
Other Seasons (For use without Razor!)

To use these patchers

The default location should be already set, but if you installed UO to a location other than the default then you will need to set the location for the patch installer to the location you installed to. To do this, click the browse button and go to the location that you installed to.

Note that the information can also be found here: