Race forms while mounted

Started by Cypress, July 18, 2012, 06:02:45 PM

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Changes have been made to the ethereal, porcelain, and obsidian mounts and how they work with race forms. There was an animation glitch that most have probably noticed that made you disappear to others when you were mounted while in race form. Now, it can be different. If you mount after going into your race form, you will likely notice a small "bean" (as it has been called) above you.This should allow your animation to be visible to others while you are mounted on these mount types.  (It doesn't work if you mount first.) Other players watching you may see some slight "blurring" for various race forms, but this is normal.

This isn't a perfect fix. It is just a work-around for the time being and seems far better than completely losing your animation while mounted heh.

Hope you enjoy,
~ Admin Cypress