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Topics - Aries_Fellintona

Roleplay Discussion / Character Development for roleplay
September 21, 2012, 01:37:48 AM
Hi everyone,

tis I isabis, I wanted to share with everyone a workshop that I put together on character development. In my every day life, i am a 20 year vet of the stage and teach actors how to develop their own unique character for anything from movies/plays they are writing, cosplay characters. in talking with some people, they want to start a roleplay in game, with developed characters that interact with everyone. In closed I copies my workshop, you can in the comments start to develop characters; or ask questions about how to develop characters. We can make fun stories in game making our world more then kill kill kill fight, but make it feel like it's own little world.

now i know a lot of this will not translate to the game, most of it cannot be answered for character games, but i believe if someone has ideas on who they are, and know why they are, then it will make the game more enjoyable.

hope you enjoy

I can't emphasize enough the importance of being realistic, even/especially in fiction. A writer can never be too informed. Remember, Knowledge is Power.
You've probably also heard the saying "write what you know". Now, to the science fiction or fantasy writer this phrase may seem worthless. Write what I know? How can I possibly learn all about or experience things that don't exist? Even fantasy can be built upon a realistic foundation, and there are endless resources to build that foundation with.
Reading what other people have written to get a feel for a genre is always helpful, and discussing things with friends never hurts either. Is your character a master of disguise? Pick up a book, learn how it works. Are they a thief? What are some tricks thieves use? How does one pick a lock? What's involved? Are they a knight in shining armor? Just how easy is it to move around in a suit of armor? How about lifting those huge swords? Can they get on a horse without help? PBS has some great programs just full of information, as does the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet. Your local library is invaluable, and of course endless information is just a Google<> away.
Pay close attention to animal anatomy for more fantastic creatures. Naturally you have to fudge things to some extent sometimes for creatures that really don't exist, but it's educated fudging. Physiology, psychology, weaponry, philosophy... The world is at your fingertips. All you have to do is look and/or ask. Having easily accessible reference is important for any writer and/or artist, and having books on hand is the most convenient method for any creative person. It's much easier to have information on hand than to remember it. I personally hate having to return Library books, because as soon as I do I need it again. I have shelves of reference that I am eternally thankful for and keep returning to again and again. Especially since, while the internet is a valueable tool when it works, a useful website may be there one day and gone the next.
Ask questions and look into all the available sources to find the answers. Sometimes, you'll find answers to things you hadn't even thought of, and often your research will end up inspiring you! There's many writer's guides available, based on research other authors have done to help folks out. The more you know, the more realistic your story and more involved your audience will feel.
This works for Art as well. Pay attention to the world around you, notice how things work and look. It's important for a character, picture, place, world, to feel somehow natural regardless of the style. Create a "morgue" (yes, that's the actual term) by cutting out magazine pictures that remind you of characters, landscapes, items, or have positions you find difficult to draw and keep them in a handy binder.
Sometimes you won't be able to find the answer you're looking for. Make a decision based off of what you do know. Go with your gut and what feels right to you. It is *your* character, and in the end only you and they will know what's best.

One of the key elements of character development is the ability to see through your character's eyes. Get a good look at how they see the world, what they perceive as good or bad and WHY they perceive it as good or bad.
You need to think about where that person came from. What their childhood was like, their parents, peers, interests... if your character is an evil wizard, why did he choose to become an evil wizard? Did he choose it? What was he like as a child? What was life like growing up? What kind of environment is he used to? Asking yourself questions like these is imperative to the development of your character, even if the readers never see that part of it. The important thing is that you know.
The "why" of things is very important. Motive is for more than just detective stories. It is a vital part of ALL storytelling. There must be a motive, and it needs to makes sense. A good character is one that feels as real as a personal friend or enemy. Realism, no matter what genre you're writing, helps bring that person to life.
We want to make our creations leap off the page and into the third dimension. To do that, we need to make clear WHY they do what they do and feel how they feel. To just say, "Well, he's just nuts, that's why," is a cop out. He might be insane, sure, but how so? How long has he been insane? Was he born that way? If your character has a mental illness do research and define it. Be specific. Even if you don't reveal to the readers just what exactly is wrong with them, the fact that you know will make it that much more believable. Readers/fellow roleplayers can sense when there's something going on they aren't privy to and it keeps them coming back for more.
Here are some ideas of basic questions to ask your character to get a feel for his/her/its history.

*Full name
*Date of Birth/Age
*Weight/Body Build
*Peculiar Physical Traits
*Nervous Habits
*Distinguishing Marks
*Usual Walking Style
*What type of clothes/shoes/accessories does he/she wear?
*Any peculiar tastes in
*Eating habits/mannerisms/tastes

*Occupation/Social Class
*Views on Money/Spending Habits
*Marital Status
*Birth Order
*Political Party/Views
*Religious Beliefs/Strength
Of Beliefs
*Sexual Orientation/Values
*What is his/her usual disposition?
*How does he/she feel about his/her appearance?
*Type of car
*Most important possession
*What is a normal day like for this character?
*Greatest Fear
*Major Goals

*Significant Other/Relationship
*Who does he/she live with?
*Who does he/she spend the most time with?
*Father/Relationship with him/Occupation
*Mother/Relationship with her/Occupation
*Best Friend
*Other Important Friends
*Feelings toward animals
*How does he/she view his family?
*How does he/she view his friends?
*How does he/she view his boss/co-workers/employees?
*How does his family view him?
*How does his friends view him?
*How does his boss/co-workers/employees view him?
*Who is his hero?
*Other comments:

Challenge yourself. Work with creations that are very different from yourself. They need to be their own person. A story full of characters that are just like you loses it's credibility. Each character should be their own unique person with personalities all their own.
Especially with characters you strongly disagree with or have a very different perception of reality than, you need to be able to argue their side of it to be able to write for them in a believable way. When you can understand how they feel and what they think, they will become more realistic when they interact with other characters. This doesn't mean you have to change your mind and agree with them. All it means is that you are able to see where they are coming from and how this influences their behavior.
Learning these skills can even be useful in your real everyday life. The practice of using a combination of imagination and knowledge to better understand the "why" of what people do is a huge step towards compassion. When you understand things from the point of view of someone you don't even like, never mind agree with, it makes it harder to foster hate. Putting oneself in the shoes of someone they've long thought to hate, and seeing them as another rounded human being, can do wonders for the spirit and for a person's happiness.

People are simply too complicated to really be classified as "good" or "evil". Intent is everything, and a person can do bad things for the right reasons, or the right things for the wrong reasons, etc. ... There are unlimited possibilities for you to play with.
Particularly when role-playing, however, one may need to choose what alignment they are. Evil? Good? Neutral? The last is the norm, and people will lean toward good or bad depending on the situation, their beliefs, and past experiences. Since this plays back and forth throughout their life, chances are, most characters will view themselves as good regardless of their actual leanings. But if you must have a clear definition to separate the good from the bad ... selfishness is the most accurate I can think of.
A "villain" will generally be greedy, or mainly concerned with selfish goals. Their own survival and success comes above everything else. Look out for number one. The "hero" on the other hand will be concerned with the welfare of others over themselves. Others come first.
Sometimes, however, one might have a villain who means well, but simply has the wrong idea or makes things worse through ineptitude. On the flip side is the hero who seems good, but does everything "helpful" for selfish reasons or is driven by recognition. Keep in mind that whether the fruits of their labor is good or bad is not automatically determined by their alignment.
Basically... People are complicated and each have their own unique perception of good and evil.
Then of course there is the ever lovable "Anti-Hero". Not evil and certainly no Dudley Doright either. These sorts of characters have a special place in this writer's heart. The sort of person who does what they feel like they must, gripes about it, glowers and scowls, and you can't help but grow really fond of despite it all. There are endless ways to handle the forces of "good" and "evil" but here are some guidelines to help you round out interesting and enticing goodies and badies.
A "good guy" does what is right. Overcomes, or tries to overcome, the conflicts for the betterment of mankind. They respect life and one thing must always remain true, no matter what kind of "hero" you are working with .... they must grow.
A "good" character must grow and learn and develop over time. Be it in a book, movie, or tv sitcom, Stagnation is never good, and the audience comes away feeling like "what was the point of that?" By this I don't mean to just jump in and change your character completely. A 180 degree change in personality just doesn't happen without some kind of science-fiction element involved. Small things, gradually, or one big thing that has an influence on your character's life in a natural timeframe. Something must develop to keep readers interested. They can't just stay exactly the same. Baby-steps toward becoming a better or wiser person can do wonders for a character, just like it can for the rest of us.
Generally, a "good" person will not kill unless in self defense, and even then they feel bad about it. They'll want to do the right thing, even if they're not at all sure what the right thing is. They mean well, but they are not flawless. No one is flawless. Even Superman needed kryptonite. No one is perfect nor should fictional characters be. Invincibility is boring and it negates the possibility of conflict and growth. From pet-peeves to deep seeded phobias, a "hero" should be a complete person, with hopes, fears, weaknesses, and convictions.
Good is in the eye of the beholder; they can be the sort who follows the letter of the law, the sort who just does what they feel is right regardless of laws (or sometimes despite of), or one who hesitates in between. But no matter which, these characters desire to do what is right and that is what drives them in the long run. That is what they strive for and that is what makes a Hero.
These characters can act as either protagonist or antagonist, and often both at once being the source (or one of) of their own problems. These are some of my favorites. Sometimes they feel compelled to do the right thing, sometimes they prefer to do the selfish thing. They're hard to pin down and sometimes you won't even be able to tell whose side they are on. Often, they don't know themselves.
Though they may perceive themselves as one or the other, the actions of these characters will usually prove otherwise. That is how it is for most alignments though; actions speak louder than words. Nobody walks up to a stranger and introduces themself as good, evil or otherwise. At least, not remotely mentally stable people.
A neutral character leaves things wide open and can range from eager adventurous folk, who "want in", to solemn homebodies who just want the insanity to stop. A villain or hero's sidekick may be neutral and play the devil's advocate. Maybe they're a lovable anti-hero stuck in the middle of things and ready to have a meltdown at any moment. There are endless possibilities here.
This is where the majority lies, both in fiction and reality. Somewhere between selfishness and martyrdom, too complicated to classify. The main thing that generally that makes the heroes heroes and the villains villains are circumstances and times when they're really under pressure. Till actions speak otherwise, most everyone lies in neutrality.

Villains are the vital element that make the story move. When people sit down to read a book, see a movie, read RP message boards etc ... they want to be enthralled. They want adventure! CONFLICT! The villain is the person or thing which provides these things. Without conflict, there is no story!
Seeing as how a villain is so very important they must be well rounded, thought out, and above all interesting. I've found myself adoring villains in some stories and movies far more than I cared for the heroes. We should be able to love to hate them, or adore them despite ourselves. When we can do that, then we know we've got a great stinker on our hands or a truly admirable mastermind.
A villain must must have a motive. They need to have a reason behind their wicked deeds. They must have a personality, something beyond just evil cackling and witty come-backs. Like any other person, they have fears, desires, hopes, dreams ... and of course weaknesses.
It is also important to remember that "Evil" is not always obvious, in fact is far more effective when under the guise of something else. The key, as I said before, is selfishness. A villain is the guy on a sinking ship who pushes the women and children out of the way so that he can get out safely. He may know how wrong it is, but be acting out of an overwhelming sense of self-preservation (cowardly or arrogant).
Often, the villain won't consider him or herself a villain at all. They might view themselves in the right and even mean well. A villain doesn't always think of him or herself as evil, nor want to. Point of view, as always, is key. A person may do the wrong thing for the right reason just as easily as the right thing for the wrong reason. The hero, through this sort of villain's eyes, is the one who is evil and trying to ruin everything. They have reason for what they do and in their own minds are justified. Sometimes another person or situation is their driving force, and it's "pressure from above" that's driving them to desperate measures.
An antagonist will often be knowingly breaking the law, but that certainly isn't always true. Sometimes they are the law, or they keep their wicked deeds within the law making things that much more complicated for the poor protagonist. Villains aren't always criminals.
Don't limit yourself. The best "bad guys" are complicated with as many flaws, quirks, and just as interesting and compelling as the protagonist trying to stop them

Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / donation items
August 10, 2012, 02:49:08 AM
hey, i donated once before but never got anything for it (i cant remember when or how much, but i remember eating raman for a month because i donated my entire food money for a month) you have past records for this? no biggie if you don't, just wondering is all...
Announcements / we are back
July 01, 2012, 05:07:13 PM
Aries...Isabis....Cecelia.....WE ARE BACK
Hello everything, just a bit of an announcement....
We are back..
the blood moon inn is going to reopen soon for all your drinking needs!
Hope everyone joins us for the reopen!
Greetings from Aries, Isabis and Cecilia!
I dont know if anyone remembers me or Jay Redwolf, but we knew each out of the game, and recently got married (its why i haven't been around) I thought I would share some of our wedding photos! I hope to return soon, hope you like the photos!

anyways! I want to get back into the shard now, i see a lot has change, and i hope that i can fit in with everyone once i can! i hope everyone is doing good!

Chit-chat / alive and welll
February 17, 2010, 02:33:41 AM
hi everyone its your wonderful isa, aries and cecilia!
i am sorry i havent been around, my computer went nuts and we had to reformat. Right now Rei and I are planning out wedding in real life(we knew each other before the game) and we are working, it takes up nearly all our time. Plus i have to reinstall EVERYTHING again, because I don't have it. Sorry I haven't been around for everyone who cares! But once things settle down, I shall return!
Aries, Isabs and Cecilia!
Chit-chat / gonna start comming back again
July 30, 2009, 04:56:30 AM
so i hada stop playin for health reasons and lotsa people dyin
i joined SH in 2008 and stopped or rather played off an on only for a long time
hopefully its all reslved, im useing the new independent server thingie
and i am back..
hpefully people i know still play..since the few times i played since its workin, its only new people!
but thats great and nice to see new blood, that hopefully we will all be good friends soon!
soooooooooo lately ive had so many issues trying to play
i am stuck on the verifying account screen...
but if i switch to the 3d in connectUO i can connect and play 
anyone have an idea what could be wrong..i am just getting annoyed lately i suppose
any help somewhere?
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / CUO desktop
July 16, 2009, 03:46:31 AM
i had a computer issue today and i had to uninstall it,  need the info to add it to my serverlist, i found it on the list but that doesnt work...
i kinda remember we had to add local, but the info i cant find is uta date or a million pags in so i thought i would add and bring it up...can someone help please?
Chit-chat / time away
May 06, 2009, 03:01:33 AM
Hey everyone
this is Jeni
i play aries, isabis and ceclia
recenty, so much stuff has happened to me in real life
i just feel crushed and numb on the inside..
this past weekend, it all came to a head
my mentor and one of my closest friends in the world
just couldn't handle life anymore so he decided to leave us all
because of this, i need to take some time with my family and my friends
i willl be off and on over the next few days to hopefuly return as good as i can after the memoral next week...
im sorry for all of this..
i just need it
i have no idea whats wrong, or what happened
but i am stuck on the verifying account screan, and have been for nearly 45 mins
i am kinda sad...because i can't have my cake and eat it to..*sigh*
Chit-chat / war is back
March 23, 2009, 12:35:16 AM
just wanted everyone to know im back from my war
we lost by very few points,
my kingdom that is,  Barony of Axemoor of the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.
just wanted everyone to know i am back, i missed you all, an can't wait to get back to the game:D
Chit-chat / not always right...
January 25, 2009, 08:23:19 AM
so a friend of mine sent me an email
it had this link inside of it
this is a site, were anyone can post there stories of when
well, the customer wasn't right
because, lets face it, most of the time, they aren't.
its a good site to waist time on
Chit-chat / life after gustav
September 05, 2008, 06:03:10 PM
so i am sitting at whole foods market in another town just to hav internet to check in
i am ok...we have alot o dwntrees, we are staying at my grandmoters house til we gt power which might be around late september, i am very glad i have training for my new job in anoter town next week
free hotel, internet, working water etc etc etc for two weeks
o life is a little rough as i dont have the things i am accustom to like hot meals...showers
i look and smell like a boho hippie artist finally...its not cool at all
health wise i am startng to fall, my medication was in my house that we evaced sooo i dont have it
but all is well and safe
i will return next week in my trainig for at least two weeks
aries, isabis, and cecilia
Chit-chat / my goodbyes,,just in case
August 31, 2008, 05:26:30 PM
s in case i get blown away in the hurricane
or just not able to be online for a bit
wanted to tell my goodbyes hopefully for a few days/week at the most
everyone by now knows who i am
Isabis Hadrian
Aries Fellintona
and cecilia kaniz
so yes..goodbye for a bit..i willbe safe i promise
and return soon enough
Chit-chat / where do you live?
August 30, 2008, 01:35:02 AM
So living in louisiana, its gotten me wondering where everyone lives and what kind of natural hubhud can happen to it kinda gives everyone an idea of how far the shard is spred around the sorry if this topic has been started before..but i haven't seen it before...hehe..

So Aries, Isabis and Cecilia live in baton rouge, ater moving from new orlans 3 years ago in katrina  ;D

so where do you live? hmmmmmmmm
I have razor, and i am able to get in, but grapics at all i was wondering if there was a way to patch though i can addicted...horrible..horrible..
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / UDesktop
May 15, 2008, 03:40:42 AM
I am trying to get desktop to work, and it worked all day today, had to restart my computer and now i am getting an error message that looks like this
is it just me? ir is i everyone else...becausei wanna cry without th game tonight...
I am a bit new at trying to get the game to work vista..i did everything told on the vista how to message, but i get these messages
in this order
A problem occurred in the progress
Class: cSystem
Function: mnGetDData()
Description: Illegal platform (only WNT, W98 or W95)
Abort: Skip the Entire Function
Retry: Try again
Ignore: Skip the Error Code

A problem occurred in the progress
Class: cSystem
Function: mnGetDData()
Description: Error on Creatfile
Abort: Skip the Entire Function
Retry: Try again
Ignore: Skip the Error Code

on both of these it tells me to ignore, so i pressed ignored and this is what

#3 is the same as #1
#4 is the same as #2
#5 is the same as #1
#6 is the same as #2

finally it takes me to something that reads
Do you want to add 'sylvan heart' to your local server
i say yes and it opened the server list
its listed
i click on it to start the game there
and then it freezes saying
client.exe has stopped working and forced me to shut it down
anyone have a idea what i can do to help? or fix this..advise on what I've done wrong..
thank you