end of the world....

Started by Mina, September 05, 2008, 10:53:41 PM

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Read the books by Max Brooks (Mel Brooks son) How to survive a zombie war and World War Z.  They tell you everything you need to know.


 ;)     come on guys,  we all know the worlds going to end when that drunk scotsman accidentaly falls on the explode button,   ROFL

Morwen Aldarion

Lots of interesting theories on the end of the world here, but I think 'interesting view on how the world will end' will give everyone a good laugh (considering the political atmosphere):

*link removed due to violation of the family shard and language stance*

If the world were gonna end soon, I'd spend every day learning as much as I possibly could and would sleep even less so I could have more time to spend with my family :)

Admin Acacia

Well, the scientists have made this super collider to test the big bang theory.  I think they are gonna blow us up and we'll be spread to kingdom come.    Our molecules, then,  will be the building blocks for other worlds, like the tiny little purple world of Thanium, or the wonderful, beautiful world of Acaciatta.

Never be less than your dreams.


Actually the Mayan calander end date of dec 21 2012 signifies when we are going to move on to a higher state.  This has been interpreted in many ways from end of world to etc.

What i find interesting is that a lot of other oracles from around the world such as the chinese oracle, and some others(sorry brain farting at moment) talk about a similar ordeal happening on same date.  all created at different times in history, no known links between them.

What i also find interesting is that Science has proved that our solar system will be in alignment at that time and when our planet will be most bombarded by photon/proton (sorry told you im brain farting at the moment) and that those increase the thought processes( man  i need help with that right now) causing the "higher state of being".

Really my theory is Im going to leave work on the 20th and wish everyone a good night and hope i see em tomorrow and leave it at that. :)


Quote from: Alan Lakeshire on September 09, 2008, 03:13:01 AM
The day will come when a Twinkie goes past it's shelf life. On that day the universe will simply cease to exist.

I have really bad news for you then. I once bit into a twinkie, taken from a recently-bought, just-opened box and individually-wrapped package and it had gone stale. VERY stale. The spongecake had the approximate texture and flavor of brillo, and the creme filling CRUMBLED in my mouth. It was like there was doom and despair in my mouth and nobody was going to get out alive. I have not touched a Twinkie since.

It may have actually BEEN the end of the world, now that I think about it...