New Game: The person below me...

Started by Crimson, January 19, 2007, 06:10:11 PM

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True. I did smack my keyboard once, but it was when I was scammed for my large tower on OSI. But that was the only time =)

The person below me is which they had a different job.

Lucian Darkfire

False, i am acctualy preaty happy with my job.

The person below me ate an apple today to keep the doctor away.


No apple, but I ate a banana to keep...monkeys...away

The persone below owns a nirvana t-shirt with the stoned happy face.

Lucian Darkfire

False, never got into them.

The person below me watches sponge bob at least once a week (This includes watching it with kids).


False, I watch Transformers, My little Pony, Curious George, and X-men, but not spongebob, mainly because I crossed him out from the watch list, because I don't like him.

The person below me has a huge collection of McDonalds happy meals toys.


Gee I wish!!

The person below me has a toy dragon at home they named Alaric

Lucian Darkfire

No, but im going to get one now!

The person below me has a sweet tooth for sour patch kids.


False. I don't think I've ever heard of a sour patch kids. *gasps*

The person below me has a sever pixil addiction


Partly true. I get really high on them really quick, but I can leave them without any withdrawal issues :)

The person below me died because of the lag spell a couple minutes ago.

Lucian Darkfire

True, *Mutters something about stupid dragons*

The person below me has always wanted a pet snake :-D


False, but I wanted rats a lot when I was younger.

The person below me has brought a friend so SH

Lucian Darkfire

True and False, i brought a couple people with me when i came, but they only stayed for a few days. They are thinking of returning though.

The person below me has beat me in chess.


False, but i look forward to playing you.

The person below me is a master of disguise.

Lucian Darkfire

True, i have been know to hide my identity from time to time :-D

The person below me Loooooooooooves Chocolate Pudding!


Yes. And Yes for the win if that chocolate pudding is smothered over vanilla cake.

The person below me enjoy's being the jack of all trades in sylvan.