Blackanvil Adventuring Services

Started by Teclis, June 21, 2008, 02:30:30 AM

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Blackanvil Adventuring Services is proud to announce we are now bringing you expanded services and YOU made it happen. Since we've had a good flow of customers paying in virtue skulls we've bought a valorite runic hammer and it's use is now available for our customers.

Here's how it works. We charge 1.5 vs per swing. We will make the object requested from whatever material is requested using a valorite runic hammer and holding a +60 Ancient Smithy Hammer. Now the bad news, whatever it makes is what you get, if you get something that isn't so great, that is the risk of runics, grab another 1.5 vs and try again :).

We are still offering the following services:

Price list:
6 Sockets (includes use of my hammer and ASH) = 1 Virtue Skull
1 Jar of Fort powder = 1 Virtue Skull
1k of Valorite = 1 Virtue Skull
Use of Val Runic Hammer (includes use of ASH) = 1.5 Virtue Skull

Contact me or Christina when you see us for services.
Durin Blackanvil


Just reposting our list of services