Contemplations of War......

Started by Mal Reynolds, August 21, 2006, 11:49:11 PM

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Mal Reynolds

   Well, finally the "good" was at war with the "evil", funny how those definitions seemed to fit neither side well.
   The evil have become slaves with little will of their own to their dusty master, Abraxius, and the good were a joke, seeming to worry more about power then peace. Their leader was so desperate to gain new people that he was forgetting about those he had in, with the result being a loss to his guild. Perhaps he didn't need those that left, perhaps he just didnt care.
   It matters little now, war has been officially declared, and it will be open season between the warring guilds. People will die, armour will be broken, weapons damaged, and supplies needed. Time will be good for awhile in the repair business.
   Other business will suffer though, people do not build new homes during a war. They don't funish homes with pretties either. So even those staying neutral will have to adapt for awhile, to this war of the children. That is what it is since it is the children that think glory is gained by dieing at the end of a blade or with ones skull smashed in, whats left of their brains leaking onto the ground.
   Calls to war echo across the land, it seems that the citizen guard may be called into this vainglorious war. They are gathering together to discuss it soon, and chances are likely they will march to the drum of death as well.
   Dawn will soon roll in, Time to get ready for the stench of death that will rapidly cover the world. Time to get ready for repairs, stock up on healing potions and bandages.
   Funny how some would see glory in this, or honour, but then everyone has their own opinion of honour. It seems though to be nothing more then an attempt to gain bragging rights on killing someone. Thats at the best, at the worst it is a blatant powerplay to gain more control over others.
   They seem to forget or not care anymore that a balance must be maintained.  Perhaps it is Abraxus's control over the weak minds of the Cult of Malas that drives them to attempt to defeat the Sosarian Empire. Perhaps it is Manamottos lust for power that drives his attempt to conquer the Cult. Either way it is an attempt to unbalance the world and must be stopped as soon as possible. Neither side must be allowed to win or we shall all lose.
   This day will not see peace and balance, but hopefully one day soon.....

Loco Moco

In one of the Sosarian Empire houses, a figure stood in his empty houses remembering the days when his house was filled with his fellow guild members going around hither and tither. He remember his close friends that would sit in the corner drinking their ale laughing at his clumsy acts he had done. He remember his king watching over his people on his throne laughing at the little children playing in the mud. But time had warped the Empire, the king had gone hungry for power, the Cult of Malas faught needless battles against the empire, and Smit had grown weary. He asked for change within the Empire and was kicked like a dog for sitting on the carpet. He faught the Cult of Malas and was again kick with all the battles he had faught. Years of war had caused creases to form on his face making him an aged dwarf. Not the young dwarf that wield his club and shield readily. He finally lock his door and walked out of the Empire in the shroud of darkness packing his Jack Frost cloth in his napsack. He reached his new home, a hovel a few miles from Luna. His wife enjoyed the woods that surround his home. His daughter worked on her metalworks selling whatever she created, and his son would go and hunt for food with the joy of togetherness. But he knew that his haven will be attack, his fellow Sosarian friends will call him to war. This old man was thrown into a world without peace and happiness. And forever lost in the abyss of the future



The days roll by. War is declared but there is little sign of it yet. Perhaps some chance encounters, brief duels, nothing worth report. Alliances and under-the-table friends are awoken. Smiths and tailors begin to pump out goods, prepared to fuel either allies or whoever has the deeper pockets. The balance is shifting. For too long the world has lived under the rule of the light, for all the preaching, crime and dispair are still common, those who do not conform to the Kings ideals are repressed. Perhaps the rule of Abraxius is not ideal, but it is at least no worse than what currently exists. When confronted by cult members, none have been able to articulate why light is prefered, only expressing vague references to 'maggot worshippers' and to that of a corpse lord. Both sides exist under the rule of a monarch, this leader imposes rules. What is one over the other.

We may not win, but at least we dared to try something different. Innovation and change have always been preferred to stagnation.
Give a man a fire he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire he's warm for the rest of his life.

Kevetsa Kususroth, Smitt, Drahca, Bethariel

Mal Reynolds


         Worry still grips many in the land, when will the war hit home? The hope is that both sides will realize that neither is correct and that they are simply deluded fools throwing children to die. However, the realization is that both are so blind they will not stop soon. Both are so self righteous that they cannot accept they need each other. Com needs ES to give them an enemy so that Abraxus will not win, for if he does he will no longer need CoM. ES needs CoM to give them the boogie man enemy to keep the people in fear so they can keep control. It is the balance that keeps things in motion and healthy, if one or the other actually wins, it will bring problems and tyranny.

       Some still try to us the war of light and dark as the justification for this conflict....that has fallen by the wayside. At best this could be called the war of dark and dark because whoever wins, the world will suffer at their hands.


To turn a blind eye to evil,would be the death to all,try telling evil war is not the way,you will meet the end of a sword blade..... War again? not the first time I have seen battle,but the warrior way I chose,never would I turn my head and watch my Brothers and Sisters die.There maybe better ways,but untill the ones who complain step up and find a answer,I will fight and die beside the ones a care for,and the ones who cannot defend themselves.

Mal Reynolds

     What is this evil that you fight? Something you do not care for? What gives you the moral stance to tell someone else that they are wrong! Try telling evil it not the way? Who are YOU to tell someone what the way is! "good"...."evil" they are just differant sides of the same coin....differant outlooks on life. In this case ...Abraxius seeks power....Manamotto seeks power.....both lack "goodness" from my point of view.
     There is a time for war, but this is not the time. This is a war of Manamottos doing to spread his influence, to bring more into his family to bring HIS tyranny rather then the balance!!!
     Who cannot defend themself that you are  fighting for...I hear no cry from the babies of the world. I only hear a tired Empire reaching out to grab what it can in its death throes! Your Brothers die because Manamotto raised the Flag of War, your sisters die because he chose to create the environment that lead to their death. Do not think I believe CoM innocent in this....I think their hands are as bloody as well, but I accept their acts ,as yours, in servitude to their "master". Both parties in this war serve power hungry vestages of fading might. Abraxius will fail of that I have no doubt, but Manamotto will as well...and of that I have no doubt either.
     Justify your self righteousness all you want in what ever way you wish, it will not change the outcome.  Kevesta was correct, change is coming, but I think that both huge giants will fail in the end. I think the change is their death on the field, The winds of fate blow no matter how hard they will try to stop it.
     This war serves to unbalance the world, it needs to end and the balance needs to be regained.

Alaric McCree

( OK, this is an RP thread, keep it IC only. Having said that I will address one issue here. Everyone has an opinion and each is based on their own perspective. That doesn't mean it is any more right or wrong than anyone else's, it just means it is different. One person may truly believe one way and try to make it known but that doesn't stop another person from perceiving it totally different. That is life. That is how things go. I don't want to see a good RP thread about the war degrade into an OOC war. Any further OOC comments will be deleted. I have enjoyed reading the IC comments from all sides, please keep up the good work.)
Sometimes the dragon wins, that's why there is such a shortage of white knights.



Indeed this is a land of confusion.

However he's allready declared his allegience to nobody, and he's sure to drag MarketVale in this. Manamotto of the Empire has allready offered im a permament alliance with him and trade sanctions between the Market and Empire provided they go to war on the Empire's side.

Naturally with the town of MarketVale being a Market, he had to decline the offer of going to war and instead offer the Trade sanctions as enough for good will. He did not want to lose a potential client in CoM in the future either.

However. That poses a new set of problems from this war, as the various Merchant guilds and Townships are competing for the attention of the warring factions, and whos to say that this does not spawn another war underneath.
Don't worry I'll put something here.


I do-not condone the death of others, But nor shall i stand and watch as Abraxius's pestilious grip chokes the life out of cililization, Already he has Possessed Eowernia, Gorn who sucessfully got his release, thankfully , and his trickery resulted in Damira's current situation, a situation thats aggrieved me no ends..

I will not say i will be proud of the blood i may shed, BUT i am not power hungry, and do not sit upon a mound of gold, I have and always will assist those who have needed and called upon me and forever will i continue too do so as well, it is blashemous that he uses the dead, too do his biddings, instead of allowing them too have the decency of a long lasting rest..

Abraxius has already threatened too do harm to the citizens of marketvale, His power is growing and i will not allow him too enslave another soul for his bidding...

Each is entitled too do as they will, And i shall never judge another for there actions unless of course it is too cause harm too those that stand around me...Those who's arms were not built for war, and who are unable too defend themselves...

I've already lost my family once, too the hands of darkness and i shall not, and i mean SHALL not allow this too happen again...

For The glory of Life !

Mal Reynolds

     You honour life by killing? what type of honour is that? You are in ES are you not? Then you serve an empire that is bloated and doomed to fall. It is the way of things, the balance is the only thing that is important. Manamotto goes to war to try to shore up his control, and bring more into it.
     You claim people dieing justifies killing...but do not people die every day anyway? Does killing others put an end to that? if you kill enough can you stop death? What will you do with CoM and abraxius gone? find someone else to go after, till you kill anyone that means a threat to life? Funny, but you better include yourself in that list becuase you are a threat to life as well.
   The ends to not justify the means, the means justify the ends, if you resort to the tactics of your enemy why are you any better. Remember when you hunt the beast, beware least you become the beast to catch it.
(note to NOT hit tab)
   If you want to help MarketVale, then kill the rabid beast that swarm the lands. They represent a clear threat, it is obvious that this disease is speading and contaminateing the lands, especially around Marketvale. However, I guess that slaying diseased beast, though an invualuble act, is not as "glorious" as slaying CoM members is it, nor as profitable either I wager.
    If You truely serve life, then think about your actions....Life is a balance....not "good" or "evil".....


I seek only too end the un-death not too put the living too an end, I only attack the living when i am struck myself, and ONLY then...

I sometimes wonder why druids are standing around when something is defying lady nature herself, in the form of abraxius, by all means keep the balance, But i am sure the mother nature herself wouldnt allow such a thing too wander her woodlands without a fight...

Manamotto isnt intersted in being the wealthiest man at all, he wants people too live unifed and as one, In an empire where every person has a right too what they wish too say, No one person is looked upon and mocked..

When and if abraxius is contained i wish too seek and end too the deaths of others, and try and bring peace too mankind... And How is it you consider me a threat too life when you do not know me, nor my emotions or intentions for one that claims too be of balance you are fast too judge me, when i myself have not judged you?

And As i already stated I take no joy or honour in taking the life of another, but will do so in order too preserve myself, and only when attacked first.. Also if you listened too my earlier words you would know i dont horde wealth and never will, I share my gains with those that need it..

Darkness inhertantly wishes harm too life, light inhertantly wishes too preserve life, at any cost..

Loco Moco

War is war. People will do things that will bring themselves glory. Every hero I have ever heard (this is RP) fight for honor. They seek glory and honor. Those who are honorable become humble when defeat things. I myself is not honorable, i boast of every slightest thing that is worth for glory. Manamotto and Icemere seek glory and self-acclimation to kill CoM guild members and CoM members seek glory and self-acclimation to kill ES members. So everything boiles down to this. Whoever wins will recieve all the glory.

Mal Reynolds

You speak as one that has a personal agenda, the balance is just that...a balance. to not allow some would mean that there was in in balance.
Where did I every claim Manamotto was declaring war to gain money? You even back up what I say...I claim HE wants to RULE everyone... he wants to CONTROL everyone...That is what you agree to when you say you want us all to live under HIS unified.... Pfft... take your unification and use it to plant something.. it will be good fertilizer.

Your Empire looks on others and mocks those inside it...perhaps you should remove your blinders and actually look at this empire you hold so dear. I know of one at least who just left due to being mocked, and ridiculed. I have myself openly heard this ridicule, so if you wish to deny it you are either mistaken or blind.

Manamotto wishes control, he wishes to unbalance the world, he wishes to dominate as Abraxious...HE is NO better then that dusty excuse for a lord.

I clearly explained how you are a threat to life.... You choose to alter the balance, you seek to destroy something, instead of living along side it. Every creature has the right to defend itself, although many fail. That is the way of life, and the balance. You however seek to destroy that which may or may not be a threat to you. You seek to promote that which would upset the balance.

I ask you again then...Why attack CoM? instead of the Rabid beast that are spreading disease and are a real threat to those you claim to hold dear?

You do not consider forcing others to obey your lord harmful to life? You do not feel that enforced control is an un-natural abjuration?

Light and dark.... you are wrong in my opinion... They are just perspectives....You can feel better about yourself if you want to claim that the light protects life at any cost... but what is the result of that..... A world with no one dieing would be a world over run...How would most animals eat? even some plants consume creatures to live

So blindly support light is nothing less then as dangerous as supporting what you claim to be the dark. Both are destructive and represent and extreme view that simply does not work for the world. It is the balance of things that represent health, and well-being.

It is more likely that a Druid would understand that balance must reign, however, I have heard that there are "dark" druids, and "good" ones as well. They are as much an abjuration of nature as you are... They have forgotten that nature is balance. It is the middle of the road...not an extreme. To embrace life you must embrace that death happens too... You choose to ignore that and to fight death instead.

The balance must be maintained and this silly war of petty tyrants threatens that,  and for what? so some may lay claim to controlling others? So that some may sport a new head in their yard? Bah..... You fight with poor reason, you fight to place Manamotto on a higher throne then he sits now. Plain and simple.

I judge actions...You fight to promote Manamotto. it doesn't matter if you admit it or not, the actions are the same. If you feel I have a poor opinion of you for that... You are right. I am sorry, but supporting this war for ambition and power does not make you noble or glorious in my opinion.

This War represent nothing more then a power play....Two forces that wish to dominate the world by hoping to eliminating their rival. If you see any other purpose, you are not looking close enough. Placing your tyrant on the throne of the world is no differant then placing Abraxius on it. If you support life...then support freedom, and the balance.


Quote from: Loco Moco on August 23, 2006, 12:50:33 AM
War is war. People will do things that will bring themselves glory. Every hero I have ever heard (this is RP) fight for honor. They seek glory and honor. Those who are honorable become humble when defeat things. I myself is not honorable, i boast of every slightest thing that is worth for glory. Manamotto and Icemere seek glory and self-acclimation to kill CoM guild members and CoM members seek glory and self-acclimation to kill ES members. So everything boiles down to this. Whoever wins will recieve all the glory.

I am sorry smit, But i seek nothing from this, nothing but too see an end too the misery brought unto people, Killing CoM isnt what i want, I want too end Abraxius, Killing another living being bring no pleasure at all *lowers head*


I ask you Mal, Have you spoken too manamotto himself too see what he wishes?, I think not.... He's upset at the perception that is being thrown at him, He seeks too rule NO-ONE, he does not rule me nor any member in the guild, we are treat as an equal, and If the one you speak of being ridicualled is Smit then i have nothing to do with such a thing, I have and always will treat him as an equal..

Abraxius is a threat too me, I wouldnt like too see the faces of my now dead family and clan raise from the ground too take arms against me, As i am sure you wouldnt want your family doing the same?,  And as for the war with CoM, I have yet too shed any of there blood despite meeting a few of there members in magincia, i didnt even as much as give them a wrong look either...

I do not force anything upon anyone, i never have and NEVER WILL, How can you judge me so harshly, your judging a concensus, instead of the being that is I !

I have never once provoked/harmed anyone or thing that has not first harmed me, The bitterness in your tongue and the attitude showed towards me, isnt that of someone that seeks balance, for i have done nothing too you, in anyway at all, so if you choose too judge me, then one must look inside and judge himself...

I dont  seek too dodge death, My time will come, as i am sure it'll come too all of us, it is the cycle of nature that dictates so... What abraxius is isnt dead nor is it alive, it is an abomination of nature, and the balance.... Untill his arrival ES and CoM hadnt even a simple thought of waring one another...

I fight too end this abomination not too promote manamotto, as do we all in the empire..

And i am yet too fight any of Abraxius's kind, or CoM... where as abraxius has already hurt and harmed others... yet your blind too point this out, instead prefering too pick at me, and judge.. Again you do not know me, as i do not know you, and just as i do not judge you, you should not judge me...