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Topics - Cypress

Announcements / Panda release
December 31, 2013, 06:55:57 PM
Well, I finally figured that I should post here and link back to my actual release post just in case so people will know :)
Many years ago pandas lived throughout the forest and plains of Tokuno, but over the years more monsters came as evil spread over the land. Rune beetles and death watch beetles multiplied greatly. Kappas, kaze kemono, Oni, and tsuki wolves moved out from the shadows and caves to claim even more land. The yomotsu, evil ninjas, fan dancers, and evil ronin also set up and grew their own operations to take advantage of the weakening forces of the good. The poor pandas are peaceful and gentle creatures. They have little fighting skill and could not defend their home against such creatures! They were eventually all but extinct. They were even thought to be extinct, but I have recently seen one during my travels! It is a very rare thing indeed to see a panda and is considered good fortune as they are symbols of friendship and peace. Perhaps one day they will be seen more often if people find and help care for them.
Announcements / Merry Christmas and patches!!!
December 16, 2013, 11:44:34 PM
Merry Christmas to all Sylvan family and friends!! It's a bit early maybe for Christmas presents, but here's my Christmas present to all of you! This is probably one of the biggest updates we've had in a while. It includes a fix to the bag of sending, a few new patches to help item count, peculiar seeds, new carpentry items, and perhaps best of all... new creature patches!

Fixed the bag of sending to be blessed.

Made a HotM box so as make it easier to get your HotM at any time!

Added peculiar seeds and a special seed box for them! There is a one in four chance of getting a random peculiar seed instead of a common seed drop.

Peculiar seeds include:
Flax Flowers
Foxglove Flowers
Hops East
Orfluer Flowers
Cypress Twisted
Hedge Short
Juniper Bush
Snowdrop Patch
Poppy Patch
Spider Tree
Water Lily
Cypress Straight
Hedge Tall
Hops South
Sugar Canes

Added new things to the craftable carpentry items:
Elven Dresser
A Working Elven Spinning Wheel
Elven Wash Basin
Ornate Elven Chair
Cozy Elven Chair
Elven Reading Chair
Elven Loveseat
Ornate Elven Table
Fancy Elven Table
Elven Bookshelf
Ornate Elven Chest
Rarewood Chest
Decorative Box
Parrot Perch

Added new creatures!

Now how to get all these new patches? The new installer can be found here:

Hope everyone enjoys! Merry Christmas!!!
~ Admin Cypress

NOTE: To any who received a pre-release version of this download, please download and install this newest version. It includes even more updates!
Shard Downtime / Server down
September 05, 2013, 10:46:42 PM
We're aware of it, and Llewelyn is on it and hopefully will have it up and going soon :)
Announcements / New Tamable Released!
August 27, 2013, 12:32:21 AM

When you find their home, play the music of the flute that is there to bring them out. Don't worry if they scurry away before you are able to tame one. Just play the music again to bring them back out! However, once you have tamed one, the flute may vanish again for a time.

They love music, and in particular they love flute music! After you tame them, try playing a flute for them to see what happens :)
((Double-click them once you have tamed them.))

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Roleplay Discussion / Firelizards of Sylvan
August 27, 2013, 12:25:01 AM
Melody walked along gathering shells one late afternoon as was one of her favorite pastimes. She would string them together and make jewelry or just hang them around her room. She also gathered clams for the meal tonight. It wasn't exactly her favorite meal, but it was the one her mother had chosen and sent her out to gather. She didn't mind so much since it gave her a chance to gather her other shells. The place she chose to venture for her shells and clams might have been considered by some to be dangerous, but she knew where not to go so as to stay safe. She liked it here because so few ever came. It was peaceful and beautiful.

As she walked casually along, time seemed to pass slowly as the sun gradually lowered in the sky nearing evening, and she unknowingly ventured farther than she intended. In fact, she had never been this far out. As she looked up and realized the unfamiliar surroundings, she also noticed a small cave in the cliff side. Her curiosity was stirred, as she drew closer to look inside. It was a small cave and the rays of the sun shown into it just right filling it enough so that she could see. She ducked her head and stepped inside to sit down. What a wonderful little place! She could make this her own secret hide away and decorate it with all her shells. As she sat thinking to herself, listening to the sounds of nature outside, feeling the breeze as it passed into the cave, and smelling the fresh sea aroma it brought with it, the peaceful bliss of it all overflowed her. She took out her tiny flute which her father had made for her when she was only seven, closed her eyes and began to play. She had practiced her flute and become quite good since those years ago when she had received it, and as she played a soft and flowing melody, she suddenly heard a humming sound almost like a purr and then a whistling noise too somewhat like a bird but not the same. She opened her eyes and to her surprise saw a tiny sapphire blue dragon-like creature!

At first she was afraid, but it seemed harmless enough and seemed to have actually been enjoying her playing! She watched it carefully as she put the flute to her lips and began to play again. It hummed blissfully and whistled as if trying to sing along. It wasn't at all in tune with her, but it was still so cute! As it sang along others curiously crept out to join it. They were all different colors, magnificent blues and greens, reds and yellows, browns and bronze, golden and silver, and some multi-colored or even pearlescent. Before very long she had a small audience of them! "I wonder what they eat?" she thought to herself. Well, she didn't have much to offer except clams, so she took one out, broke it open, and tossed it over to them. At first they scattered all back to their hiding places. She waited a bit, but they didn't seem to want to come back out. "Perhaps some music may lure them out," she thought and began to play again. Just as she had thought, the tiny dragons crept back out to enjoy the music. As they did, they also noticed the clam she had thrown out, and they seemed to enjoy that as well! "Well, at least one of us likes the slimy things!" she laughed quietly to herself. Now what would she call them? She'd never heard of such tiny dragon-like creatures before, and perhaps no-one else had either! After all, they did seem very shy, and how many people play flutes in caves? "Too small to be dragons," she thought, "more the size of a big lizard, but they look like dragons... fire lizards!" that's what she'd call them!

She visited the cave and her tiny, musical pets for many years to come and kept it as her own secret.
General Discussion / My internet
August 19, 2013, 01:28:03 PM
It seems my internet at home won't let me connect right now, so as a heads up, for the time being my online time is likely to be limited more to work hours on the weekdays until this can be fixed.  :-\
Announcements / The Jewelry Box
July 18, 2013, 09:21:38 PM
Well, I watched Tempest one day work for the longest to space out jewelry for his big jewelry giveaway. It was a few hundred pieces of jewelry (probably around 700) and indeed took some serious time.

Well, it inspired me to make Sylvan a "Jewelry Box" which is good for auto-arranging jewelry that is inside it but can also arrange whatever else you put into it! You simply put things into it (it should hold a normal max of 72 items) and then double click it, and it auto-arranges its contents for you!

Sorry it wasn't there for you sooner Tempest, but I hope you can use it in the future lol. You can purchase one on the gold vendor stone under the tent next to Magincia Meadow.

Hope you all enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Shard Downtime / Server maintenance
July 13, 2013, 05:46:54 PM
We may have some down time for server maintenance. It may take ~2 hours.
General Discussion / Vacationing
July 01, 2013, 06:18:31 AM
Well, as the title says, I'm vacationing. I'm off to church camp for about a week so not likely to be on much if any until the weekend. So, yall all behave while I'm away hehe ;)

Hope to be back soon - Take care all!
~ Admin Cypress
General Discussion / Happy Father's Day
June 17, 2013, 03:12:51 AM
Happy Father's Day to the all the Sylvan fathers! :)
Did some bug and exploit hunting today and fixed some stuff with the reward barrel and the gem/resource storage chest and also worked on some stuff with the dump, moveitems, and sort commands.

Bottom line, hopefully we'll have fewer crashes due to buggy chest, fewer exploits with all of the above, and the reward barrel should work better than ever!

Special thanks to Marl for his input on the reward barrel.  8)

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / Flying City!
May 15, 2013, 02:11:27 PM
In Jukan lore there are tales of massive floating cities in the clouds. These great wonders were the fortresses of those known as the Overlords and the various Jukans and people who followed them. The Overlords were a technologically advanced race. Exodus may be an example of some of their technology with its terrifying war machines, invisible shields, and flying mechanical creatures. Still, however advanced they were, their city fortresses were eventually conquered and brought to the ground long ago. Their ruins are just that, ruins. What did the cities look like? What made them fly? Their original splendor and power is long forgotten eroded to almost nothing but dust, and their technology is destroyed and lost in legend. They were all destroyed in wars of ages long past.... Or were they?

Rumors have surfaced and spread about the sighting of a flying city somewhere off the western coast of Yew. But even if such a city exists, how would one get onto it or even find it? Well, seems the coast of Yew is a good place to start searching for someone who might know!

((This is meant to be an easy to mid-level dungeon, and no, I don't think a carpet will fly you up that high hehe ;) ))

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / The Sunken Island Fortress
April 17, 2013, 08:58:47 PM
Many hundreds of years ago, there was a temple fortress on a small island in the sea, but the island sank and the temple was presumed destroyed as well. Both have been a quiet page in the chapters of history until only recently...

A small group of fisherman from Skara Brae were blown off course in a storm and ended up somewhere between Magincia, Skara Brae, and Moon Glow between 4392, 2019 and 4734, 2281. They finally made it back alive with tales of a half sunken fortress guarded by a strange sea monster as well as krakens and sea serpents! This is very likely the lost island fortress! They dared not even try to come very near, but who knows what treasure might be inside waiting for a brave adventurer to find it! But on the other hand, who knows what peril awaits as well...

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
The "black hole bug" that plagued carpet fliers venturing near map edges should now be fixed!
Announcements / New Language System!
March 18, 2013, 05:40:48 PM
Well, we have a new language system here on Sylvan!

What you need to get started
Buy a language stone from the gold stone under the tent next to Magincia meadow.

How to use the stone
First, to choose what language you want to speak, double click the stone and make your choice from the menu. At first all your skills will be 0 however, you can speak (and teach) the language of your race even with 0 skill. Once you have chosen your language, you speak it somewhat like you use the [C command. The command is [L to speak in the chosen language.

To learn a new language
To even begin to learn a new language, you must first be taught it by another player who speaks it naturally or has 100 skill in it. To teach another player a language, double click the stone to choose what language you want to speak/teach and then use the [TeachL and target the player you want to teach. The player will gain 30 points in that language and be able to start learning it more!

To learn a language further, a player must practice listening to it and/or speaking it. You may learn when you successfully hear or speak the language. Remember, speaking longer sentences can be difficult or impossible depending on the length of the sentence and skill. The longer the sentence the less chance you have of understanding it or speaking it but the greater chance you have of learning from it if you do succeed! The better you get the longer the sentences you can speak and understand!

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Let's begin with the history of the Elven language. The written form of the language has many symbols differing from common and over the years as Elves have mingled with the other races of the land some symbols have been adopted as common letters. While Elves have become more sociable over the years, they still seem to resist change. The world shifts and moves around them, but they for the most part continue just as they always have. Because of this the language has changed very little and still shows its proud old age in that it has fewer contractions than other languages. Some of the more used contractions for "not," "will," "will not," "am," "are," and "have" are not usually found in written Elven or commonly heard either for that matter. Because of this it may come across to some (such as Demons and Drow) as a stern and haughty language, but to most it is a very beautiful, ancient language meant to be treasured specifically for how little it has changed.

The languages of the Fey and Demon are the other older languages. It was said that the Fey and Demons once shared a common language as they once shared a common magic source. However, for the most part Demons dove into the darker use of magic while Fae used it for their own purposes some good and some more whimsical or mischievous. Because of this, the Demon language became deeper and sharper characterized by the frequent use of the "K" or "Q" sound with "Ky," "Kh," and "Qu." Their language also developed many contractions even more so than that of common language. Apart from the usual ones, they concatenate the uses of many linking and helping verbs as well as pronouns, conjunctions, and even some adverbs and prepositions. It is a sharp and hoarse language to speak and even fearful when spoken by a true Demon.

The Fey Language took a different route. As would fit their general character, their language is flowing and almost musical to most who hear it. While it still shares some similarities with the Demon language in its written appearance, the Fey language is characterized by a few more vowels adding a bit more flow to its pronunciation. An interesting point to be made of the Fey language is that it contains certain words and phrases which do not exactly fit in the usual language. This group of words and phrases stand alone in the written and spoken language of the Fey. When speaking one of these words or phrases, a Fey will generally not use "Fey common" but will say the word or phrase in its own Fey language. There are various theories as to how this phenomenon came to be. One theory suggests that the words and phrases were commonly used in some ancient and almost forgotten version of Fey. This language could have been the original language first used by both Fey and Demons. This theory fits well with Fey culture and society. They Fey can be somewhat of a shy and reclusive race, but they have an incurable curiosity and somewhat of a mischievous nature at times which has led them to blend more and more with the interesting cultures around them. As they have mixed and mingled their language has drastically changed, but there seems to be a faithful sense of tradition at the heart of Fey culture which causes them to hold onto the past while building the future. Their language therefore is a written composition and spoken symphony of their past, present, and future.

The Drow language is one of the younger languages being formed from a mixture of Elven and Demon. As the Drow broke from the tradition of the Elves to fellowship with Demons and learn their darker magics, their cultures and languages blended. The more the Drow learned and the further they removed from their Elven heritage, the more their language became like that of the Demons. Even the Drow alphabet has implemented a few letters from the Demon alphabet and a couple which are even found in the Fey alphabet as well. The two found in all three alphabets are "Kh" and "J" with a few others being similar but not exact. It is not entirely known why these letters transcend all three languages, but there are two basic theories. One is that the letters are part of the original language spoken by the Fey and Demons which has survived to be adopted by the Drow. The other theory is that letters were part of either the Demon or Fey deviation of their original language and was adopted by the other and later also by the Drow who mixed with the Demons. To most the first theory seems more plausible considering that Fey and Demon have so far separated from each other that such blending is not likely. Still, perhaps it could have been a deviation from before the split, but who knows. The history of those two letters is lost in time. Still, despite the Drow's deviations from the Elven alphabet, it is still mostly the same. However, the written and spoken language of the Drow bears a sharp contrast in many ways to its Elven counterpart. They adopted the more frequent use of the "Kh," "Ky," and "Qu" sounds and brought in many if not all the Demon contractions. It is a bit of a strange language to see and even stranger to hear spoken. It has been described as "flowing and sharp like the swift stab of a knife."

Wolves and Felines can only make so many sounds easily. As such their languages are understood almost like Morse Code at times with the meaning of a sound changing depending on just how long that sound is made. Wolven is a rough and strong language characterized by the use of the G, R, and O sounds while Feline is more M, R, and S sounds and usually spoken either very softly or very sharply depending on the situation and mood. Most cannot tell the difference between three R's or two or maybe four O's verses three, but the Wolves and Felines have very acute hearing and can tell the difference of even a half second. Because of this when those of other races attempt to speak either Wolven or Feline they tend to exaggerate the holding of the sounds. This can lead to some unintentionally strange sentences or even some unexpected confrontations, but for the most part the Wolfs and Felines are understanding toward the limited hearing of the other races.

The written forms of the languages are far easier to understand with the time to sound each letter being signified by various accent markers. Wolven language uses the tick marker "´" (or "r´"if the r is held at the end of the word) mostly for consonants (and in the case of "`õ" which is "oõ") and "õ," "ö," and "ä" for O and A vowels respectively. Feline is similar with the hold symbols being different for "M," "R," and "S" if the sound is at the end of a word or not. Most times if a sound is held at the end of a word, the "~" symbol precedes the letter otherwise it comes after. "S" is a little different. Most of the time if the sound is not held at the end, the "š" symbol is used. "I" and "U" are respectively "Î" and "Û" regardless of their position in the word.

Orcish is... well... Orcish. It looks like what is left of common after the Orcs tried to smash a dictionary. Maybe it is a mix of common and some older Orc language, but most doubt that theory. It is commonly believed that the Orcs adopted the common language (or tried to) because it was easier than pointing, grunting, and smashing each other with the nearest blunt object, although all of that is still very common among Orcs. Old habits die hard?
Announcements / Updates to the website
March 05, 2013, 11:57:03 PM
The website has recently been updated including the staff and guild pages.

In particular a new page has been added for ease of finding general information:

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
General Discussion / List of Quest
February 13, 2013, 04:17:13 PM
Trammel Quest

Wander's Quest
It may start in Trammel but it wanders! Find the first book in the Magincia event center.

Larcenous Craft
Put your thieving skills to use doing this quest. Look for Felonious Gyle in the city of thieves.

Gargoyle Mines
A frantic old miner has escaped from a horrible dungeon mine where he had been held captive for years, and now he wants to tell his tale of the horrors he's seen. he has made his way through Ilshenar to the town of Lakeshire. find him and hear his story.

Skippy the Squirrel
Find Skippy the squirrel under the big shade tree near the lumber mill and help him collect his nuts.

Pirates sail the Sylvan Seas!
Pirates have raided Magincia! Head to the north docs of Magincia and chase them. The quest holds the key to get to the pirate captain. It is said he hold a map to a treasure like no other! Maybe it's true. Who knows, but there's one way to find out!

Scout Work
(Ophidian Rebellion - help Sssiceria - Vennominaga)
Delucia and Papua have recently come under attacks from a tribe of Ophidians who they were supposed to be at peace with. Well, as usual you can't trust a snake, but maybe there's more to it this time. Talk to the Wolven and Feline captains about it.

Discover Sanctuary
New adventures await you in Sanctuary where outcast elves and renegade titans are in a clash over who rules the territory! But, you'll need the password to get in. Look for Godiker the fletcher to set you on your way.

Help Meko!
Deep in a mysterious land there is a tower where lives a reclusive group of very powerful beings and their Oracle allies. The tower is guarded by their ninja. Some of these are willing servants seeking the power of these beings, but others like Meko have been tricked or forced into servitude. Can you help free Meko and her clan?

Help Tezla
Tezla is a Technomancer Oracle of the Sylanavi. He's working on newer and stronger golems! He wants you to get parts for him.

Ignatious' Experiment
Ignatious is a Druid Oracle of the Sylanavi. He's been experimenting with a pet growth formula, but needs a dragon egg for testing. Find him an egg!

Save the Flying Island
Harpies, wisp, elementals, and birds have all lived peacefully on the flying island until an evil being called General Mechanite invaded. He brought flying metal creatures and even metal harpies to take the island and steal the levitant stone that makes the island fly. The Harpy Queen of the peaceful creatures who live there urgently begs your help in defeating Mechanite and rescuing her stolen egg as well as others' stolen chicks!

The Missing Link
Caelan doesn't know where Link has gone to. Link is missing! Help Caelan find the illusive Link! This quest is found in a Trammel Wolven village but leads into Felucca.

Stag of the Eternal Forest
This is a long quest! This special mask is sought after by many for the special powers it gives to the one who wears it.

Holy Mask of the Bear
Like the Quest of the Stag, this is a long quest too! This special mask is also sought after by many for the special powers it gives to the one who wears it.

Daemonic Uprising
Stop the daemons from amassing enough numbers to begin their assault!

Punish the Fae
Those do-gooder Fae are trying to stop the daemonic assault! They must be punished!

Little Anya Sween
This poor little girl whose life was taken needs your help! Avenge her death so she may rest in peace.

Elwood McCarrin
He needs your help. He hangs out in a tavern near the docks of an island town.

Grizelda the Hag
She needs some assistance and can be found in some ruins somewhere between Brittan and Yew.

Felucca Quest

An Old Tome
Travel the Lost Lands of felucca and find the chest that holds this five-book quest. Collect the rewards so you can summon the creature from deep within.

Find Dorthy just outside of Britain and follow the yellow brick road on this fun Oz adventure!

The Holy grail
Can you help King Author and his knights complete their quest for the Holy Grail?

Malas Quest

Bones and Dirt. Bones and Dirt.
If Necromancy is your thing, you must be a frequent visitor to this bleak town. You'll find work there.

Tokuno Quest

Terrible Hatchlings
Find Ansella Gryen. The town of Zento needs you! Deathwatch beetle hatchlings have trampled through the fields again!

Ilshenar Quest

Marauders Quest
Marauders are raiding the barbarian village! Help the people and defeat the marauders. Treasure is to be had from them!

Cheeta Quest
Cheeta, a huntress traitor? Bring her back alive to the barbarian village to answer for her deeds and complete the quest!

Cave of Madness
The Chaos shamans of the barbarian village are a strange lot and have strange ways. To learn the ways of chaos, you must start like a child. Unlearn all that you know for in chaos the order and mysteries of magic unravel. Can you solve the puzzle of the cave of madness to learn the ways of a chaos shaman or will you go mad trying?

Crafting Quest

Haesphestus quest
Look in the northern mining town for Haesphestus. He's got some work that needs doing, and he'll make it worth it.

String the Bow
A bower in the big city needs to hire another fletcher, and the pay is decent.

Florist Quest
There's a job for those of you with a green thumb. There are just not enough horticulturist on the island and the florist there is overwhelmed with business. The reward is great for you greenhouse.

Carpenter Quest
The carpenter in the country town south of Britain needs some skilled labor. He's quite generous with his knowledge.

Leonardo Quest
Leonardo is working on his greatest invention! It's a huge contraption that can see the stars! But, he needs a good tinker to make a few more parts. He'll be happy to give you his expertise in exchange for your labor.

Paraclesus Quest
The most acclaimed alchemist in the land, Paraclesus, needs an apprentice. You do the tedious work, and he'll add his expertise to your knowledge.

Wanda Quest
Wanda is walking the docks of a big city asking all the fishermen if they are willing to help her for a nice reward.

Fisherman Quest
In the canal town there's a fisherman who has yanked a nice prize out of the bay. It could be yours in exchange for your labor.

Advanced Fishing Quest
Love sitting at the dock of the bay watching the tide roll away? This canal town is where you want to be.

Various Quest
The palace town is getting ready for the biggest banquet of the year. People will come to this small island from all over Sosaria to join in. But, the chores are enormous and the best of craftsmen are needed to help!

Woody Quest
There's plenty of trees in this rustic village but not enough lumberjacks. Woody will pay well for your services.

Bartleby Quest
What's Bartleby to do? It seems everyone is headed to this magical island for scrolls these days. Can you help him out?

Heywood Quest
Mr. Heywood the renowned couturier is rather out of sorts. His staff has clipped every sheep on the island! His clients are about to take their business elsewhere! Could be the end of his illustrious career?

Agricola Quest
Need work? Agricola has plenty. His usual man ran off with his trumpet. Get your pickaxe and head north.

I'm locking and making sticky this topic, but this shouldn't close the list! Please, if you find a quest that is not listed, please send Iris and me a forum pm to get it added to the list  :)

Please also note, that much of this information as well as a great deal more is in the Magincia library in game! Please stop by and read up on a lot of good information as well as various stories put into books by our very own players!
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Veterinary
December 12, 2012, 08:36:08 PM
The veterinary skill now should work to resurrect and heal Kitsunes among other things that it did not yet seem to work on.

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress